Fortnite Fortbyte #11 Location: Found Beneath A Circling Jungle Parrot

Where you can find the "cracker".

Another day of Fortnite Season 9, another Fortbyte. Today’s Fortbyte (Tuesday of Week 7) presents us with Fortbyte #11: Found Beneath A Circling Jungle Parrot.

For those unfamiliar with the Fortbyte system here is a primer. Everyday a challenge is released at 2pm BST that usually takes the form of a traditional treasure hunt challenge. There are 100 challenges in total (and one each day) and you’re rewarded with cosmetic rewards as you collect them. For each Fortbyte you collect, you also reveal a tile on a large mosaic image. Currently, the image features Bunker Jonesy frantically scrawling on a wall in pink and black ‘paint’.

This article focuses on Fortbyte #11: Found Beneath A Circling Jungle Parrot, which is rather unique as far as treasure hunt Fortbytes go.


Fortnite Season 9 Fortbyte #11 Map

Fortbyte 11

This challenge is a little different as far as the typical clue based treasure hunts go. Instead of the Fortbyte being located in a specific location, it is capable of randomly appearing anywhere within a designated zone. The designated zone in this case, is the jungle biome (circled in red), which occupies the northeastern area of the map and was introduced in Season 8. Lazy Lagoon, Pressure Plant and Sunny Steps are the main landmarks in this area for those unfamiliar.


Fortbyte #11 Parrot

Fortbyte 11

The parrot in question circles a fair bit up in the sky, making it visible from the air as long as there aren’t any trees blocking line of sight. There are other birds that fly around the biome, especially above Sunny Steps, so try not to get bamboozled by those. The parrot is very vibrant red with yellow and blue highlights, the other birds tend to be a white/gray/black and are smaller than the parrot.


Fortbyte #11

Fortbyte 11

With all that being said, the best that can be done is some general advice on helping you track down the parrot. The jungle biome has a large number of mobility options that can help you cover ground quicker than usual. Making liberal use of the volcanic vents and ziplines to rapidly cover terrain and scout out the parrot will make this challenge a little bit less tedious. This grants not only some vertical mobility (the jungle terrain is very uneven), but a better vantage point to spot the parrot from.

The best strategy I found, however, was to head over to J3 on the main map’s grid, where you will find an expedition outpost (red building), which is circled yellow on the map provided. This building always contains a number of Ballers within. These are amazing at scouting uneven terrain at high speeds, allowing you to track down the parrot quicker than any other strategy, short of spotting from the Battle Bus drop. If you’re not a fan of The Baller, it also spawns hoverboards, which are almost as good, but offer less protection against aggressive players.


Fortbyte #11 Video Guide

A rather interesting challenge less reliant on a player’s ability to decipher clues (or follow a guide) and more on sharp eyes. No doubt part of the reason this challenge was concocted for the jungle biome was to leverage all the unique mobility options and terrain unique to the jungle. Still a welcome break from typical clue based challenges and Battle Pass gated challenges, proving that Epic can still surprise us time to time.

This Fortbyte follows on from Monday’s Fortbyte #43 and Sunday’s Fortbyte #20.


Fortnite Season 9 Fortbytes List


The below is accurate as of the time of writing. Our masterlist gets updated every day.

Fortbyte #2: Found At A Location Hidden Within Loading Screen #6
Fortbyte #3: Accessible By Using The Skull Trooper Emoji At The Western Most Point
Fortbyte #4: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #5: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #6: Accessible With Yay! Emote At An Ice Cream Shop In The Desert
Fortbyte #7: Accessible By Using The Cuddle Up Emoticon Inside A Rocky Umbrella
Fortbyte #8: Found Within Junk Junction
Fortbyte #9: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #11: Found Beneath A Circling Jungle Parrot
Fortbyte #12: Accessible By Using The Nana Nana Spray Inside A Molten Tunnel
Fortbyte #13: Found at a location hidden within Loading Screen #2
Fortbyte #14: Found Within An RV Park
Fortbyte #15: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #16: Found In A Desert House With Too Many Chairs
Fortbyte #17: Found Inside A Wooden Fish Building
Fortbyte #18: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #19: Accessible With The Vega Outfit Inside A Spaceship Building
Fortbyte #20: Found At The Center Of Any Of The First Three Storm Circles
Fortbyte #21: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #22: Accessible By Using Rox Spray In An Underpass
Fortbyte #23: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #24: Found Within Fatal Fields
Fortbyte #26: Accessible With The Bunker Jonesy Outfit Near a Snowy Bunker
Fortbyte #27: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #28: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #29: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #30: Found Somewhere Between Haunted Hills & Pleasant Park
Fortbyte #31: Found At A Meteor Crater Overlook
Fortbyte #32: Accessible By Wearing Kyo Pet Back Bling at the Northern Most Point
Fortbyte #33: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #34: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #36: Accessible by Sentinel on a frozen island
Fortbyte #37: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #38: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #40: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #41: Accessible By Using Tomatohead Emoticon Inside The Durr Burger Restaurant
Fortbyte #43: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #45: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #47: Found between a Reboot Van, pirate camp, and a crashed Battle Bus
Fortbyte #48: Accessible By Using The Vox Pickaxe To Smash The Gnome Besides A Mountain Top Throne
Fortbyte #49: Found In Trog’s Ice Cave
Fortbyte #50: Accessible At Night Time Inside Mountain Top Castle Ruins
Fortbyte #51: Accessible By Using The Cluck Strut To Cross The Road At Peely’s Banana Stand
Fortbyte #52: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #53: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #55: Found within Haunted Hills
Fortbyte #56: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #58: Accessible By Using The Sad Trombone Emote At The North End Of Snobby Shores
Fortbyte #59: Accessible With Durrr! Emoji Inside Pizza Pit Restaurant
Fortbyte #60: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #61: Accessible By Using Sunbird Spray On A Frozen Waterfall
Fortbyte #62: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #63: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #64: Accessible By Rox On Top Of Stunt Mountain
Fortbyte #65: Found In A Basement Budget Movie Set
Fortbyte #67: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #68: Found Within A Snowy Town Book Shop
Fortbyte #69: Found Inside A Stone Pig Building
Fortbyte #70: Skydive Through The Rings Above Lazy Lagoon w/ Vibrant Contrails Equipped
Fortbyte #72: Found Within Salty Springs
Fortbyte #74: Found In A Filing Cabinet Inside An Assassin’s Basement
Fortbyte #75: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #76: Found Behind A Historical Diorama In An Insurance Building
Fortbyte #77: Found Within A Track Side Taco Shop
Fortbyte #78: Found Within A Ranger Tower Overlooking A Drained Lake
Fortbyte #79: Found within an arcade
Fortbyte #80: Use The Bunker Basher Pickaxe To Smash the Rock at the Volcano
Fortbyte #81: Accessible In The Daytime Near A Mountain Top Cactus Wedge
Fortbyte #82: Accessible By Solving The Pressure Plate Puzzle NW Of The Block
Fortbyte #83: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #86: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #88: Found Somewhere Within Map Location J3
Fortbyte #89: Accessible By Flying The Scarlet Strike Glider Through Rings East Of Snobby Shores
Fortbyte #91: Found At A Location Hidden Within Loading Screen #4
Fortbyte #92: Accessible by using Rock Love Spray near a lavafall
Fortbyte #93: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #94: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #95: Found At A Solar Panel Array In The Jungle
Fortbyte #97: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #98: Corrupted Data
Fortbyte #100: Corrupted Data

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