It’s fair to say that the Xbox One wasn’t the greatest of successes in the gaming industry. It wasn’t ever at the level where thousands of units had to be dumped into the desert, like E.T., but it still wasn’t the best thing in the world. Bad PR on the road to launch and a woeful lack of big name exclusives meant that Microsoft’s former flagship console lost a lot of ground to the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
However, Microsoft slowly reversed their fortunes during the Xbox One’s lifecycle with the Xbox One X being a beast of a console, and Xbox Game Pass growing to become the biggest subscription service in gaming. Now that the era of the Xbox Series X & S is in full swing, we’ve decided to take a long look back at the best Xbox One games ever made. We’ve even ranked them, because we may as well get a bit spicy. Why not?
50. Ruiner

Developer: Reikon Games
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Metacritic Rating: 77
Release Date: September 26th, 2017
It’s hard not to love the sheer brutality that is Ruiner. A punishingly difficult twin stick shooter that takes place in the fictional techno dystopia version of Rengkok, you control a man referred to only as Puppy, who cuts a bloody swathe through the neon lit streets and metallic factories in a search for his missing brother. Guided by the mysterious hacker known only as Her, it’s up to you to use any guns and melee weapons you can find to decimate the hordes of goons baying for your blood. It’s violent, it’s vicious, and we can’t get enough.
Buy it if: you’re shockingly okay with being called Puppy.
Avoid it if: Hotline Miami put you off difficult twin stick shooters.
49. PUBG

Developer: PUBG Studios
Publisher: KRAFTON, Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 85
Release Date: December 12th, 2017
The launch of PUBG shares a lot of parallels to the console on which it finds its home: really rocky before finally stabilising a few months later. The less than stellar quality of PUBG on the Xbox One was well documented, especially by us, but now that things have normalised, PUBG is in the healthiest state it’s been in for a long time. Reams of content, plenty of crossovers and that ever-present tense gameplay make PUBG one of best Xbox One games you can play.
Download it if: you like the taste of chicken dinners.
Avoid it if: you’re already over this battle royale trend.
48. Rare Replay

Developer: Rare
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 84
Release Date: August 4th, 2015
Obviously this gem of a collection deserved a mention here, as in the value for money stakes alone, Rare Replay is untouched, offering 30 games for just 15 of your English pounds, or American dollars if you prefer. Whilst that alone is worthy of merit, let’s not forget the calibre of games included, with all three Banjo-Kazooie games, Killer Instinct Gold and Rare’s greatest video game Grabbed by the Ghoulies all playable, to name just a few. Not every game in the collection is as brilliant as Banjo, but as retro collections go, Rare Replay is remarkable.
Buy it if: you love bargains. Simple.
Avoid it if: you’re still annoyed by that damn dump truck from Blast Corps.
47. Sunset Overdrive

Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 81
Release Date: October 28th, 2014
Developed by Insomniac Games, Sunset Overdrive was touted as being the killer exclusive for the Xbox One. Truth be told, it kind of wasn’t, but the further we get from Sunset Overdrive’s launch, the fonder those memories become. Oftentimes, games can be a little bit too dour in their pursuit of serious credibility. Sunset Overdrive didn’t care about any of that though, instead offering a sugar (and probably other drugs) laced thrill ride through a vibrant world filled with colourful abominations. If you ever find gaming a bit too dramatic, Sunset Overdrive is the cure.
Buy it if: emotional journeys aren’t for you.
Avoid it if: you can’t stand fourth wall breaks and pop punk songs.
46. Soulcalibur VI

Developer: Bandai Namco, Project Soul
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Metacritic Rating: 84
Release Date: October 19th, 2018
The byword for weapons based fighting games, Soulcalibur has been telling its tale of souls and swords for almost 25 years, and if Soulcalibur VI is any indication, the series is stronger now than it ever has been. With two engaging story modes, fast paced. deep and rewarding gameplay and a creation system that’s single-handedly being propped up by memelords, Soulcalibur VI is arguably the best fighting game available on the Xbox One. Side note: it looks gorgeous on the Xbox One X. Just saying.
Buy it if: you love the idea of big dudes with big swords smacking each other. Or anime girls smacking each other. This game has both.
Avoid it if: movelists longer than 10 inputs frighten you.
45. Far Cry 5

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Metacritic Rating: 82
Release Date: March 27th, 2018
Depending on who you ask, Far Cry 5 is either the best game in the series, a missed opportunity for some barbed political commentary, or couldn’t possibly live up to the legacy of Far Cry 3 or 4. Far Cry 5 follows the same beats as 3 and 4, as you liberate outposts and move through the map, taking down charismatic leaders in order to get to the big bad guy. A fantastic story with some charismatic villains, great gameplay and two gutpunch endings depending on what you choose make Far Cry 5 brilliant.
Buy it if: you want to murder some cultists real bad.
Avoid it if: you were discouraged by previous games. This probably won’t change your opinion.
44. Injustice 2

Developer: NetherRealm Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Metacritic Rating: 89
Release Date: May 16th, 2017
Marvel might have DC beat when it comes to films, but in regards to fighting games, DC have the upper hand. While Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite launched in September 2017 to critical, commercial and competitive indifference, Injustice 2 launched that same year and offered a more complete package that catered to all players. A great story, some of the best fighting gameplay available and absolutely superlative graphical quality made Injustice 2 an essential purchase.
Buy it if: you’ve always wanted to see Batman get smacked around by Swamp Thing.
Avoid it if: you’re still bitter about Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite.
43. Rise of the Tomb Raider

Developer: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Square Enix, Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 86
Release Date: November 10th, 2015
With Shadow of the Tomb Raider now out, launching with all the hype and critical acclaim of a fart in crowded lift, why not take a look back at Rise of the Tomb Raider? A timed exclusive for the Xbox One that’s now available everywhere, Rise of the Tomb Raider did more of what the first game in this reboot series did well in terms of gameplay, but without the whole “oh no, I can’t believe I killed those people” that the previous Tomb Raider game had.
Buy it if: you loved Tomb Raider (2012).
Avoid it if: you think Tomb Raider peaked with Tomb Raider III: The Adventures of Lara Croft, or Tomb Raider: Legend.
42. Battlefield 1

Developer: DICE
Publisher: EA
Metacritic Rating: 87
Release Date: October 21st, 2016
“The war to end all wars”, they called it, until the next one happened. That’s the basis of Battlefield 1, which took the series all the way back to the events of the First World War. With the single player campaign wisely focusing on individual stories instead of a one man army, each chapter was given more gravitas than usual. Plus, it was a great way to shoe-in tutorials for each gameplay mechanic just so you were prepared for the typically fantastic multiplayer.
Buy it if: you’ve enjoyed any previous Battlefield game.
Avoid it if: getting sniped from 500m away is a tilting experience for you.
41. Watch Dogs 2

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Metacritic Rating: 81
Release Date: November 15th, 2016
Let’s face it: the original Watch Dogs wasn’t great. The only memorable moment seems to be that mission where C.R.E.A.M. by Wu-Tang Clan starts playing during a firefight. The point is, Watch Dogs lacked a real identity. It was bland, but Watch Dogs 2 suffered no such problems, improving upon its predecessor in practically every way. Better missions, better characters, a better location in San Francisco and a better story. If the first game left you burnt, let the sequel fix that.
Buy it if: you always dreamed of being a hackerman/woman/person.
Avoid it if: you’re paranoid about your private data. This game won’t help alleviate that.
40. Assassin’s Creed Origins

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Metacritic Rating: 85
Release Date: October 27th, 2017
Pretty much everyone will agree that Assassin’s Creed Origins was the product of a well needed break for the series. After Syndicate, the franchise took some time off to reassess its priorities, before coming back with a bang with Assassin’s Creed Origins. A renewed focus on RPG, a completely overhauled battle system and a truly expansive interpretation of Egypt marked an incredible return to form for the aging series. Some might prefer follow-up games Odyssey and Valhalla, but Origins gets the nod for how much it shook up the Assassin’s Creed formula.
Buy it if: you love being a sneaky stabby boi.
Avoid it if: you feel Unity did irreversible damage to the series.
39. Celeste

Developer: Extremely OK Games (formerly known as Matt Makes Games)
Publisher: Extremely OK Games (formerly known as Matt Makes Games)
Metacritic Rating: 94
Release Date: January
Platforming games used to be all the rage back in the day, but that doesn’t mean more modern takes on the genre can’t be absolutely stellar. Celeste is one such games, which tells an uplifting and emotional tale of one woman overcoming her own self-doubt and anxieties to climb a mountain, even if it happens to be inhabited by ghosts and floating strawberries. While Celeste is a difficult game, a host of accessibility and disability options ensure that everyone can have a go at conquering Celeste Mountain.
Buy it if: you want a platformer that’ll unexpectedly hit you in the feels.
Avoid it if: you’re afraid of heights, I guess.
38. Shovel Knight

Developer: Yacht Club Games
Publisher: Yacht Club Games
Metacritic Rating: 86
Release Date: April 25th, 2015
Not every game needs to be a blockbuster adventure to make it on a best of list, as all they need to do is showcase some excellent gameplay and undeniable charm. Shovel Knight brought both of those in spades. Or shovels, if you prefer. Designed to emulate the popular Mega Man series, Shovel Knight accomplished that goal so brilliantly that many consider it to be the actual spiritual successor to the series. You know, because Mighty No. 9 wasn’t all that mighty.
Buy it if: you love platforming games that combines chiptunes with a heart warming tale of love at its center.
Avoid it if: you don’t like the way Shovel Knight treats gardening equipment.
37. Final Fantasy XV

Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Square Enix
Metacritic Rating: 83
Release Date: November 29th, 2016
Final Fantasy might have become a Sony franchise at this point, with FFVII Remake and FFXVI becoming PlayStation exclusive releases, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy FFXV. A departure from the more traditional Final Fantasy games, both in terms of gameplay and overall style, Final Fantasy XV is basically four lads on a road trip under the shadow of an overzealous empire. The banter between lead characters Noctis, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto makes every quest more enjoyable, and the real-time battle system is perfect for those who grew impatient with taking it in turns.
Buy it if: you’ve always wanted to be part of a group of friends who are styled like a J-Pop band.
Avoid it if: you don’t want to hear “I’ve come up with a new recipe” every 20 minutes.
36. Monster Hunter: World

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Metacritic Rating: 90
Release Date: January 26th, 2018
For many, Monster Hunter: World was the first foray into Capcom’s creature killing franchise, and you can never really get over your first. Millions of players can’t be wrong, eh? Retaining a lot of what people loved about the original games, but adding new elements and generally making things more beginner friendly, Monster Hunter: World is a masterclass in an action RPG done right. It won’t be for everyone, but you should give it a try regardless, and if you do love it, the excellent Iceborne expansion is waiting for you too.
Buy it if: you have a spare 100 hours.
Avoid it if: you don’t have a spare 100 hours.
35. Rainbow Six Siege
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Metacritic Rating: 74
Release Date: December 1st, 2015
Probably the most hardcore of the mainstream multiplayer shooters, Rainbow Six Siege feels like it’s been going from strength to strength despite over half a decade old. Siege often recieves fairly regular updates that give players access to new operators, weapons and maps, meaning that the game is constantly evolving; perfect for keeping a multiplayer shooter fresh. Sure, there’s a certain toxicity to be found in a lot of the players, but there’s perhaps no other shooter as tense and exciting as Siege.
Buy it if: Fortnite is too casual for you these days.
Avoid it if: you can’t stand toxic behaviour. It’s unfortunately hard to avoid with Siege.
34. Hitman 3

Developer: IO Interactive
Publisher: IO Interactive
Metacritic Rating: 87 (for Xbox Series X & S version)
Release Date: January 20th, 2021
Somewhat of a reboot for the series, 2016’s Hitman took things back to basics, and by basics we mean “large, sprawling levels with multiple methods for success”. Perhaps basics isn’t the best word. Authentic maybe? Either way, it’s Hitman the way it’s meant to be: an open-ended playground with which to commit heinous assassination attempts. Since that release, IO Interactive have been improving on the formula with subsequent releases, culminating in Hitman 3, which includes all the content from previous games if you already own them. As Hitman games go, Hitman 3 is the best of the best.
Buy it if: you’ve ever considered getting the barcode tattoo on the back of your head.
Avoid it if: planning and patience aren’t amongst your strong suits.
33. Dragon Ball FighterZ

Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Metacritic Rating: 86
Release Date: January 26th, 2018
Arc System Works have been crushing it when it comes to fighting games, and Dragon Ball FighterZ is no exception. An intense 3v3 fighter that throws your favourite Dragon Ball characters together for a massive rumble, Dragon Ball FighterZ is perfect for fans of the anime and of fighting games in general. What it lacks in decent single-player modes, it more than makes up for it in the multiplayer and online departments. Plus, you can dunk Goku and Yamcha is top-tier. It’s how things should be.
Buy it if: you own a Dragon Ball t-shirt.
Avoid it if: you always preferred Ultimate Muscle.
32. Rayman Legends

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Metacritic Rating: 91
Release Date: February 18th, 2014
There was a period of time, between Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc and Rayman Origins, where it looked destined that the limbless hero would be resigned to history, overtaken by those pesky rabbids that still inexplicably find their way into games. While Origins gave everyone a reason to love Rayman all over again, Legends knocked it out of the park. Without a doubt, Rayman Legends is one of the best platformers ever made, combining infectious charm, rock solid mechanics and inventive new ideas to create gaming magic. Simply remarkable.
Buy it if: you want to fall in love with games all over again.
Avoid it if: you’re a big mean sourpuss.
31. MGS V: The Phantom Pain

Developer: Kojima Productions, Konami
Publisher: Kojima Productions, Konami
Metacritic Rating: 95
Release Date: September 1st, 2015
When Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain came out, it wasn’t quite for everyone. The mission structure and almost lack of a proper story divided opinion, but underneath all that was perhaps one of the greatest third person stealth games ever made. Everyone enjoyed knocking out soldiers with your big red Rocket Fist before using a Fulton Recovery balloon to send them skywards. Plus, MGS V gave us some immortal quotes, such as “why are we still here? Just to suffer?” That’s right up there with “you’re pretty good”, honestly.
Buy it if: you love holding people at knifepoint, shouting “START TALKING”.
Avoid it if: you’re a tool of the government, or anyone else.
30. Mortal Kombat 11

Developer: NetherRealm Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Metacritic Rating: 86
Release Date: April 23rd, 2019
NetherRealm’s primary series, there’s few fighters out there more enjoyable that Mortal Kombat 11. Like Injustice 2, MK 11 ticks all the right boxes in terms of story, graphics and gameplay. The variation system introduced in MK X makes a return here, but players can now create their own custom variations, allowing for greater control over a character’s moveset. Also, the fatalities are even more gory and glorious than ever, which is always the real highlight of a Mortal Kombat release. Now, we’re just playing the waiting game until MK 12.
Buy it if: you love fighting games. Simple enough.
Avoid it if: you’re squeamish. This’ll mess you up.
29. Gears 5

Developer: The Coalition
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 84
Release Date: September 10th, 2019
Gears of War 4 wasn’t the strongest start to the Gears franchise post-Epic Games, but The Coalition did a decent job establishing new characters and threats for the world of Sera, and it paid off with Gears 5. Switching proragonists from JD to Kait did a world of good for the game’s story, allowing for fresh prespectives to take center stage. The multiplayer, Horde and Escape modes were also fantastic, making for the best Gears package since Gears of War 3.
Buy it if: you like beefy people and waist high walls.
Avoid it if: you find cover shooting abhorrent.
28. Dying Light

Developer: Techland
Publisher: Techland, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Metacritic Rating: 75
Release Date: January 27th, 2015
If you’re confused, Dying Light is the good Dead Island. Both games share a lot of similarities, including the first person perspective, a focus on crafting melee weapons, plenty of RPG elements and, of course, zombies. Whilst Dead Island gives you those things in a glitchy mess of a game, Dying Light is more tightly put together and places its emphasis on fun, especially after years of updates. Within a couple of hours, you’re dropkicking the undead off ledges whilst laughing uncontrollably. While Techland have now moved on to Dying Light 2, the original game is still a highlight of the Xbox One’s library.
Buy it if: you’ve always wanted to dropkick a zombie.
Avoid it if: you love climactic boss fights.
27. Rocket League

Developer: Psyonix
Publisher: Epic Games
Metacritic Rating: 87
Release Date: February 17th, 2016
The jet-powered version of that one skit from Top Gear, Rocket League combines cars and football (or soccer, if you prefer) to create a multiplayer juggernaut that’s still going strong today. Whether playing solo or part of a team of friends, there’s an undeniably addictive quality to the organised chaos that Rocket League provides. With new modes, cars and customisable items being added periodically, Rocket League is just as enjoyable to play now as it was when it launched on Xbox back in 2016.
Download it if: you’re looking for an original multiplayer game that isn’t another shooter.
Avoid it if: you hate losing. Rocket League has an uncanny knack for bringing out one’s competitive side.
26. Psychonauts 2

Developer: Double Fine
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 91
Release Date: August 25th, 2021
Double Fine Studios created a massive cult hit in 2005 with Psychonauts, giving us a quirky and memorable world to explore where anything could be found inside someone’s mind. For a long time, it felt like a follow-up would be impossible, but Double Fine more than delivered with the release of Psychonauts 2. With more worlds, more awesome powers and plenty of the same ridiculous humour, Psychonauts 2 was a worthwhile follow-up to a beloved game, and is deserving of being ranked among the best Xbox One games of all-time.
Buy it if: you have fond memories of the original game, or just love 3D platformers.
Avoid it if: you hate fun.
25. Apex Legends

Developer: Respawn Entertainment
Publisher: EA
Metacritic Rating: 88
Release Date: February 4th, 2019
Despite the fact that Apex Legends has been around since 2019, fatigue still has yet to set in on Respawn’s brilliant battle royale game. Every season, there’s a brand new reason to come back to this superlative battle royale experience. Whether it’s the variety of Legends and abilities, the focus on team play, the incredible pinging system or the respawn feature that adds a new dynamic to every match, Apex Legends is a worthwhile evolution of crowded battle royale genre. Now, if only Respawn Entertainment would make Titanfall 3. Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top.
Buy it if: battle royale games and/or Titanfall is your jam.
Avoid it if: you haven’t got two mates and don’t feel like queuing with randoms.
24. Control

Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: 505 Games
Metacritic Rating: 84
Release Date: August 27th, 2019
Remedy’s Quantum Break might have been an Xbox One console exclusive, but some of Remedy’s best ever work is what came afterwards with their third person shooter Control. As Jesse Faden, you explore a mysterious agency building that’s filled with artifacts and items that hold incredible power, all the while dealing with a terrible affliction known only as The Hiss. With compelling gameplay, awesome superpowers and some impressive graphics, Control is definitely one of the best Xbox One games ever made.
Buy it if: you want to shoot dudes with a transforming gun.
Avoid it if: the only hissing you want to hear is from a snake.
23. Devil May Cry V

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Metacritic Rating: 87
Release Date: March 8th, 2019
Capcom’s Devil May Cry series has been great for a long time, so long as we ignore the hell that was DMC 2 anyway, but most would agree that the series peaked with the release of Devil May Cry V. The biggest entry in the series yet, DMC V had three playable characters in the form of Dante, Nero and newcomer V, each with their own weapons, moves and playstyle. With excellent graphics and a soundtrack to die for on top of that killer gameplay, Devil May Cry V is an all-time classic.
Buy it if: you think leather trenchcoats are rad.
Avoid it if: you don’t want someone to pull your Devil Trigger.
22. Ori and the Blind Forest

Developer: Moon Studios
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 88
Release Date: March 11th, 2015
One of 2015’s surprise hits, Ori and the Blind Forest was a 2D Metroidvania style game that saw you platforming around an ancient forest trying to restore the elements and bring balance back to the world. The beautiful art style and soundtrack ensured the game received universal praise, and Ori was nominated for plenty of awards. The sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, is also worth checking out, but for pure emotional gutpunches, there’s no beating that original game.
Buy it if: you love emotional journeys in gaming.
Avoid it if: you can’t find the tissues.
21. It Takes Two

Developer: Hazelight
Publisher: EA
Metacritic Rating: 89 (for Xbox Series X & S version)
Release Date: March 26th, 2021
Josef Fares’ studio Hazelight made a huge splash in 2017 with A Way Out, a co-op narrative adventure unlike anything else before it that’s well worth checking out in its own right. All eyes were on them for the follow-up, and It Takes Two delivered in every way, telling the story of a couple on the brink of the divorce, forced into a world of magic and whimsy as they try to find that spark in their relationship once again. Sure, the story might be a bit hamfisted in its delivery, but the gameplay and inventiveness on offer here ensure this’ll be a co-op game you’ll never forget.
Buy it if: you love platformers that switch styles and gimmicks with every world.
Avoid it if: the idea of a talking book rambling about love sounds unappealing.
20. Titanfall 2

Developer: Respawn Entertainment
Publisher: EA
Metacritic Rating: 87
Release Date: October 28th, 2016
Ah, BT-7274, you beautiful son of a gun. You found your way into our hearts, talking about your protocols and detections of sarcasm. Titanfall 2 could have easily half-assed the single-player campaign, instead choosing the focus on the multiplayer like other games that don’t feature on this list, but no. If anything, the campaign mode to Titanfall 2 is the game’s biggest strength, delivering an action packed adventure with a heartwarming emotional core. Who saw that coming from a game about giant robots smacking each other? And even if you prefer multiplayer, Titanfall 2 boasts incredible, fast paced warfare in that department too.
Buy it if: robot on robot combat excites you.
Avoid it if: you’re not prepared to feel things for a 20ft tall mech.
19. Alien: Isolation

Developer: Creative Assembly, Feral Interactive
Publisher: SEGA
Metacritic Rating: 78
Release Date: October 6th, 2014
Another one of those games designed to make you change the colour of your pants to brown, Alien: Isolation is perhaps one of the scariest games ever made. Crafted in the same horror game mold as the likes of Amnesia, you must hide from a Xenomorph intent on murdering you and everything you’ve ever loved with no proper means of defending yourself. Just remember to pack an extra pair of underwear, and hope you don’t become a parent to a new baby chest-burster.
Buy it if: the sense of terror is like crack to you.
Avoid it if: you hate it when “they’re coming out of the god damn walls!”
18. Dead By Daylight

Developer: Behaviour Interactive
Publisher: Behaviour Interactive
Metacritic Rating: 58
Release Date: June 20th, 2017
The 4v1 multiplayer game that isn’t Evolve, or the multiplayer game about a psycho murderer that isn’t Friday The 13th, depending on which description you prefer, Dead By Daylight is about as tense and exciting as games can get. Playing as a survivor, you have to avoid the killer, activate generators and make an escape, whilst the killer does what comes naturally to them: brutal slaughter. Asymmetric games often run the risk of being unbalanced, but Dead By Daylight works beautifully. Well, it does now after a few years of updates anyway.
Buy it if: your idea of a night in the woods involves a dead body.
Avoid it if: you’d rather fight the killer than run away.
17. Cuphead

Developer: Studio MDHR
Publisher: Studio MDHR
Metacritic Rating: 86
Release Date: September 29th, 2017
On the surface, Cuphead looks like a game that’s filled with joy, from the bright colours to the over-the-top characters that are evocative of the animation stylings of yesteryear. Of course, that joy comes coupled with frustration, as Cuphead is a pretty hardcore 2D shooter in the style of Contra or Metal Slug. Tough bosses and hard levels are the order of the day, but the gameplay is so good you’ll come back for more. With the excellent DLC campaign adding more boss fights too, Cuphead is undoubtedly one of the best Xbox One games out there.
Buy it if: you’re a human being with a heart.
Avoid it if: you’re dead inside.
16. Killer Instinct

Developer: Double Helix Games, Iron Galaxy
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 86 (for Definitive Edition)
Release Date: November 22nd, 2013
For our money, Killer Instinct is one of the best fighting games on the market today, despite the weird nature by which it launched. Though now you can buy the Definitive Edition, which includes all the characters and modes, Killer Instinct was split into 3 seasons worth of characters, while being free-to-play with a rotating free character. Many decry KI as a button mashing game, but there’s strategy and mind games to be found with the combo/counter breakers, and Killer Instinct played well is a spectacle to behold. Now we just need to wait patiently for Killer Instinct 2, if it ever happens.
Buy it if: you thought Street Fighter needed more attitude.
Avoid it if: you don’t know your dragon punch from your fireball.
15. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Ninja Theory
Metacritic Rating: 88
Release Date: April 11th, 2018
Originally a PS4 and PC exclusive, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice eventually found its way over to the Xbox One, with developers Ninja Theory kindly donating money to mental health charities based on the sales of the game. It’s fitting really, as Hellblade explores the effect of a deteriorating mental health on the lead character Senua, as she tries to save the soul of her dead lover from the evil Hela. We’ve had a lot of kind words to say about Hellblade, and if you haven’t played it yet, consider this your encouragement.
Buy it if: you like single player stories with depth and emotion.
Avoid it if: you’re too busy playing Fortnite.
14. Dishonored 2

Developer: Arkane Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Metacritic Rating: 88
Release Date: November 11th, 2016
Dishonored might have been the game that put Arkane Studios on the map for a lot of people, but Dishonored 2 showcased a studio at the peak of their powers, confident in their own abilities. Building on the foundations of the original game, Dishonored 2 offered multiple characters, a host of new abilities, and bigger levels that allowed more chaos. As far as first-person stealth games go, Dishonored 2 is at the top of the pile, making it one of the best Xbox One games you can buy.
Buy it if: you like to live life in the shadows.
Avoid it if: discretion isn’t your strongest attribute.
13. Sonic Mania
Developer: Christian Whitehead, Headcannon, PagodaWest Games
Publisher: SEGA
Metacritic Rating: 83
Release Date: August 15th, 2017
Oh, nostalgia. You’re often a cruel temptress that forces us to hold things in such a high regard that when we revisit them, they can’t possibly live up to the idea we’ve built up in our head. Fortunately, that fate did not befall Sonic Mania. In fact, Mania only served to prove that old school Sonic is in fact the best Sonic; a point further proven by the absolutely awful Sonic Forces that came out only a few months later. Fortunately, Sonic seems to be a slightly better place thanks to Sonic Frontiers, but we’re still waiting for Sonic Mania 2.
Buy it if: You think “Sonic > Mario”.
Avoid it if: you’re an inhuman monster.
12. Life Is Strange

Developer: Dontnod Entertainment
Publisher: Square Enix
Metacritic Rating: 85 (for the whole season)
Release Date: January 30th, 2015 (f0r Episode 1)
While Telltale might have pioneered the narrative adventure game genre, it’s fair to say that Life Is Strange took the ball and ran with it. The story follows two friends, Max and Chloe, as they investigate the disappearance of a missing girl. Also, Max has the ability to control time, and choices you make in the story can really screw you over later. No pressure or anything.
Since Life Is Strange, the franchise has released two excellent follow-ups in Life Is Strange 2 and Life Is Strange: True Colors, and even a prequel series in Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, but for many people, there’s no beating Max and Chloe’s adventure together.
Buy it if: you love narrative adventure games but you’re tired of the same old Telltale formula.
Avoid it if: the Telltale formula is like a holy scripture for you.
11. Sea of Thieves

Developer: Rare
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 69
Release Date: March 20th, 2018
What started out as a rocky voyage has become one of Microsoft’s highlights, Sea of Thieves can genuinely offer some of the biggest laughs you’ve had with an Xbox One headset on. While the framework of the game is as skeleton as the AI enemies you encounter, Sea of Thieves thrives on the moment to moment emergent gameplay that occurs as players cross paths. It’s a watercooler game, with the lifespan of the game being determined by the fresh anecdotes that are created. Plus, with so much post-launch content to play with, and even more planned, there’s never been a better time to set sail.
Buy it if: the pirate’s life is for you.
Avoid it if: the opposite is true.
10. Halo Infinite

Developer: 343 Industries
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 87 (for the Xbox Series X & S version)
Release Date: December 8th, 2021
343 Industries might not have had the best run of luck with the Halo series ever since they took over the reins from Bungie, but their fortunes seem to be on the mend with Halo Infinite, especially after the wave of updates the game has received post-launch. With four player campaign co-op, a healthy raft of multiplayer options and a Forge mode that gives players the freedom to create pretty much anything they want, Halo Infinite is worth checking out.
Buy it if: you like over-the-top stories about space soldiers that don’t use the word “Warhammer”.
Avoid it if: you like over-the-top stories about space soldiers that do use the word “Warhammer”.
9. Yakuza 0

Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher: SEGA
Metacritic Rating: 90
Release Date: February 26th, 2020
After what felt like generations of the Yakuza/Like A Dragon franchise being a PlayStation only series, SEGA and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio decided to start bringing over their backcatologue of games for Xbox players. Neither party has looked back since, as the series has reached new heights thanks to the extra eyeballs. While pretty much every game in the series is fantastic in its own way, most would agree that the series peaked with Yakuza 0, which serves as a prequel to the main series and is a great starting point for new players. Incredible combat, fantastic music and a wonderful story make this unmissable.
Buy it if: hitting dudes with bikes sounds like fun.
Avoid it if: a story about the Japanese economy in the 1980s sounds a bit niche to you.
8. Resident Evil 7

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Metacritic Rating: 86
Release Date: January 24th, 2017
The seventh main instalment of one of the longest running horror franchises in gaming, Resident Evil 7 refined and reinvented what it meant to be a Resident Evil game. Taking things back to basics but with a new perspective, you control Ethan as you wander a mansion in the middle of nowhere to look for your missing wife. Also, the locals are weird mutants and really want to murder your face. The first person perspective might not be for everyone, but fortunately for you, the remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3 are also utterly incredible.
Buy it if: survival horror gets you going.
Avoid it if: jumpscares make your poo come out.
7. Forza Horizon 5

Developer: Playground Games
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Metacritic Rating: 92 (for the Xbox Series X & S version)
Release Date: November 9th, 2021
Playground Games have quietly built up a reputation as being one of Microsoft’s more reliable developers, thanks to the continued success of the Forza Horizon series. Their most recent entry, Forza Horizon 5, takes the action Mexico, allow players to explore the towns, deserts, jungles and volcanoes of the region. FH5 builds on the foundations introduced in the previous game, with plenty of modes and tools for players to create their own events, ensuring that the fun never ends.
Buy it if: the smell of petrol is intoxicating to you.
Avoid it if: the smell of petrol is just regular old toxic to you.
6. Fortnite: Battle Royale
Developer: Epic Games
Publisher: Epic Games
Metacritic Rating: 85
Release Date: September 26th, 2017
While it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, there’s no denying the popularity of Fortnite. Considering Fortnite: Battle Royale is free to play, it’s hard not to argue that you’re getting your money’s worth when the only cost to you is the time it takes to download it, but if you’re willing to invest some money into the world of Fortnite, you’ll find a host of excellent cosmetics from across hundreds of different franchises. Is it a perfect game? Not quite, but it’s cultural impact cannot be understated. Plus, half a decade of relevancy can’t be wrong, right?
Download it if: you’re looking for something to do. It’s free. Why not?
Avoid it if: you’re literally sick of seeing the word “Fortnite” every 10 chuffing seconds.
5. Red Dead Redemption 2

Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Metacritic Rating: 93
Release Date: October 26th, 2018
Fans had to wait for almost a decade for the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, and the highly anticipated sequel had big shoes to fill. John Marston’s story could form part of gaming’s Mount Rushmore, but this iteration might have eclipsed it. The tale of Arthur Morgan was one of 2018’s biggest highlights, perhaps even a triumph of the eighth console generation, and you owe it to yourself to give this game a go. Just remember to set aside about 50 to 60 hours. It’s not exactly fast paced.
Buy it if: you love Rootin’ Tootin’ Cowboy Shootin’.
Avoid it if: you’re still not over the ending to the first Red Dead Redemption.
4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Developer: CD Projekt Red
Publisher: CD Projekt
Metacritic Rating: 91
Release Date: May 19th, 2015
The adventures of the White Wolf Geralt, the silver haired sex pest himself, concluded with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. When The Witcher 3 first came out, you couldn’t move for people praising every single aspect of this game. Whether or not it lives up to that hype is for you to decide, but the fact remains that CD Projekt Red created a fantasy RPG that resonated with a huge audience. That’s no small feat. With two massive DLC expansions too, The Witcher 3 is simply unmissable. You might not like it, but you should try it.
Buy it if: you always wanted to have sex on the back of a unicorn.
Avoid it if: fantasy RPGs make your brain leak out of your ears.
3. DOOM Eternal

Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Metacritic Rating: 88
Release Date: March 20th, 2020
“Rip and tear, until it is done.” Those immortal words are all you needed to hear before venturing forth upon the path of demonic annihilation. DOOM (2016) was a glorious kick in the teeth for the FPS genre, stripping back the layers before reveling in the rust, dust and guts of Mars, but DOOM Eternal kicked the action into overdrive. With more weapons, lots more enemies and a compelling gameplay loop that forced players to get stuck into the action to survive, DOOM Eternal is an absolute classic.
Buy it if: you’ve been murdering demons since 1993.
Avoid it if: you can only play FPS games by hiding behind walls, like a massive coward.
2. NieR Automata: Become As Gods Edition

Developer: PlatinumGames
Publisher: Square Enix
Metacritic Rating: 90
Release Date: June 26th, 2018
PlatinumGames might not command the same level of respect as they did before the launch of Babylon’s Fall, but when they’re at the top of the game, they’re untouchable. Case in point: Nier Automata. A character action RPG that was originally available on PlayStation 4, Nier Automata’s story of androids finding meaning in a hostile world made a home for itself on Xbox in 2018, and it’s one of the Xbox One’s greatest games. There’s even Nier Replicant on Xbox One too, which is a fantastic remake of the Xbox 360 classic.
Buy it if: you like fast-paced action games with a shockingly good story.
Avoid it if: your tolerance for weird is low.
1. Elden Ring

Developer: FromSoftware
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Metacritic Rating: 96 (for the Xbox Series X & S version)
Release Date: February 25th, 2022
Perhaps one of the best games ever made, Elden Ring deserves its place at the top of this list due to the fact that it perfects the Soulslike formula that FromSoftware have pioneered since Demon’s Souls. As the chosen Tarnished, you’re given the freedom to explore The Lands Between, tackling dungeons and bosses in any order you like, gaining XP, weapons and gear in the process to help you defeat the challenging foes waiting for you. The enhanced choice in exploration, and the freedom to grind for better gear, makes Elden Ring much more liberating, but if you prefer a tougher challenge, the Dark Souls games are also on Xbox One.
Buy it if: you love a decent challenge.
Avoid it if: you’ve seen footage of the Malenia fight online and decided you want nothing to do with this game.
READ MORE: 20 Best Xbox 360 Games of All Time
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