Fortnite Season 6: How To Craft Items

Crafting some sense into this new system.

Fortnite Crafting Season 6
Fortnite Crafting Season 6

Crafting has been introduced in Fortnite: Chapter 2 – Season 6, and it’s fair to say that it’s not been very well explained by Epic. Here’s everything you need to know to craft items in Fortnite.

In the simplest terms, crafting in Fortnite: Chapter 2 – Season 6 entails you taking makeshift weapons and making them more powerful, or more like their normal counterparts. Epic vaulted pretty much everything at the start of the season for this reason.

First off, you need crafting resources. You can see which resources you have in your inventory. Resources include Animal Bones, Mechanical Parts, and Stink Sacs.

Fortnite Primal Weapons
Fortnite Primal Weapons

To craft items in Fortnite, go into your inventory and then press RB/R1. You should then see a bunch of recipes for the different items in your inventory, if there are upgrades available for that weapon.

Makeshift Weapons are the basis for all weapon upgrades in Season 6. These weapons are fairly weak and are much more limited all-round, but they are the most common.

The most common kind of upgrade in Season 6 is a Primal upgrade, which requires Animal Bones. These can be found after hunting animals, which are located in the wild, natural areas of the map.

For Mechanical Weapons, like the Pump Shotgun, you need Mechanical Parts. These new Mechanical Parts can be found in urban areas, but vehicles and trailers in particular.

You typically need four or more of each resource to upgrade each level/rarity.

Fortnite Mechanical Parts
Fortnite Mechanical Parts

Let’s take the Common Makeshift Shotgun, as an example. If you have four Animal Bones, you can make an Uncommon Primal Shotgun. With four Mechanical Parts, you can make an Uncommon Pump Shotgun instead.

Once you have the resources and recipe, confirm the crafting choice and then your weapon or item will be upgraded into a shiny new form. Bear in mind that you do not seem to be able to upgrade again after you have crafted something for the first time, so make sure your makeshift weapon is as high in rarity as it can go before you upgrade.

You can also craft clothing in Fortnite: Season 6, such as the Hunter’s Cloak, to complete your week 1 challenges. When it’s been crafted, you will then be able to tame the wild animals on the island.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

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