Fortnite Season 6: Where To Find Frogs & Stink Sacs

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Fortnite Frogs
Fortnite Frogs

Frogs are new wildlife added to Fortnite: Chapter 2 – Season 6.

Hunting them will give you Stink Sacs, a crafting material that can be used to upgrade certain items. The crafting system is brand new for Season 6 and sees players crafting upgrades for things like makeshift weapons.

Frogs can be found near most bodies of water, specifically rivers. We first encountered frogs in Weeping Woods and were able to hunt them very quickly as they do not have much HP and just jump away from you.

Once you eliminate them, they will give you 5 Stink Sacs to use. Find them in your inventory under resources.

Fortnite frogs
Fortnite frogs

You can also find Mechanical Parts and Animal Bones in Season 6.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

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