In 2020, HoYoverse, previously known as miHoYo, released a new open-world action...
For JRPG fans everywhere, the Final Fantasy series is an absolute must-play....
The Xbox family of consoles are among the most beloved and commercially...
One of the more contentious aspects of a new WWE release is...
Riot Forge have announced that their upcoming 2D action RPG, The Mageseeker:...
If you’re looking for a game that never stays the same for...
Bandai Namco seemingly took the entire gaming world off-guard this past weekend...
With so much chaos going on around Xur and the release of Lightfall,...
Fortnite: Chapter 4 – Season 1 has been notable for a lot...
Back in 2021, Propnight developer Fntastic introduced the gaming industry to The...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is Team Ninja’s most fashionable game to date,...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is one of the best looking games that...