Fortnite’s Current Season Just Absolutely Refuses To End (UPDATED)

Looks like Season 1 of Chapter 2 has been extended by a further two weeks.


UPDATE 24/1/2020: Epic have officially confirmed the second season of Chapter 1 will be delayed to troubleshoot a new physics engine for the game. Fortnite: Chapter 2 – Season 2 will now begin on February 20th.

ORIGINAL STORY: After already being extended near the end of last year, it looks like Fortnite: Chapter 2’s first season is going to go on for even longer with a new date of February 20th for it to finally, finally conclude.

The calendar API for the game has been updated and found by dataminers, showing that “Displayed End Date” for the season has been adjusted from February 6th to February 20th, an additional extension of two more weeks.

While Epic have yet to confirm this further extension, it’s worth noting that fans were able to figure out when the black hole event would end using the same method.

Fans haven’t exactly responded well to news of another delay for a new season, with many of them believe the experience has gone a little stagnant.

That third tweet actually brings up an interesting point. This season is comfortably the longest to date, so long in fact that we would be almost on Season 3 by now based on how the seasons have traditionally passed.

Chapter 2 brought a whole lot of changes all at once, but it seems like Epic are letting the game rest and seeing how it performs without constant updates — there have really only been a handful of updates since the season began. Far too many tweaks and additions made Season X a giant mess, so it appears that Epic are trying something new.

It’s unlikely that we will see absolutely nothing new in Fortnite until the next season rolls around, especially with a new patch apparently in the works. That said, I haven’t been invested in Fortnite in a long time now; this season just seems like it’s gone for a century. I can’t even remember what the original default skin looked like now.

Speaking of skins, your Ikonik might be in danger if you bought it from a third-party seller.

We will update this with an official update from Epic if it arrives.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.

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