Fortnite v17.50 Leaked Skins: Joy, Brainstorm, Major Glory & More

Plus the Unreal Engine woman.

Fortnite skin Joy
Fortnite skin Joy

The last update of Fortnite: Season 7, v17.50, has brought with it enough content to tide fans over until the start of the new season, including the customary leaked skins.

These leaked skins are quite the range of new cosmetics, which will all likely come with their own extra cosmetics, like Back Blings and Pickaxes. There’s some really great skins in here, including maybe the first ever representation of vitiligo in a video game.

Here’s all of them, courtesy of @iFireMonkey.

Fortnite v17.50 Leaked Skin
Fortnite v17.50 Leaked Skin

And here’s everything you need to know about the leaked skins from Fortnite v17.50.


Fortnite v17.50 Leaked Skins


Joy Vitiligo
Joy Fortnite

Joy is a concept skin come to life and is the first character in any video game in memory to have vitiligo.

Designed by DahjaCat, the Joy skin will also come with an emote featuring music from the actual Doja Cat that you can check out above.


Major Glory

Fortnite FNCS
Fortnite FNCS

Major Glory is a new FNCS skin; sweats are delighted.




Bloom is another concept skin. Looks like a Back Bling and Pickaxe will also be available.


Kurai’s Echo

Kurai Echo
Kurai’s Echo

This is the same female character that was first seen in the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo.


Trespasser Elite

Trespasser Elite
Trespasser Elite

Trespasser Elite looks more like it belong in Season 6 than 7.




Brainstorm is a new Fortnite skin that looks like it crawled directly out of Futurama.


Fortnite v17.50 Leaked Skins Prices

As none of these leaked skins are higher than Epic rarity, expect to pay a maximum of 1500 V-Bucks for any of them.


Fortnite v17.50 Leaked Skins Release Dates

All of these skins should release in the Item Shop before Season 8 as none of them seem to be part of exclusive packs or anything.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite Will Smith Skin: Price, Release Date & What You Should Know

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