Fortnite Season 8: Dance Between Three Dinosaurs

Dance 'til you're...extinct.

Week 9 of Fortnite Season 8 is here, representing a rather bland week all up in terms of challenges. The saving grace for Week 9 is a rather interesting take on the old ‘landmark’ treasure hunt challenges of Seasons yore.

This is a multi-stage challenge and as such you can only complete one stage per match. You need to have a dance equipped to complete this challenge, so don’t forget to equip one from the locker. The first stage required you dance between three ice sculptures. The second stage asks you to dance between three dinosaurs.

Below is a map with the correct location circled in red.


Fortnite’s Three Dinosaurs Location Map

Fortnite Three dinosaurs

Like the previous stage being located in the tundra biome, you’ll find the three dinosaurs located on the southeastern area of the map, in the desert biome. The dinosaurs are located around the main highway that leads south out of Paradise Palms at a small tourist attraction type spot. You can find them at I9 on the main map’s grid.


Fortnite’s Three Dinosaurs Location

Fortnite three dinosaurs

Just like the ice sculptures, the dinosaurs have been around since the introduction of the desert biome, which was quite some time ago now. A purple Brontosaurus (I think), a green T-rex and a red Triceratops are all perched around the bend of the highway forming a triangle. All you need to do is head to the spot on the road between them and dance for credit and it’s stage complete.

The final stage of the challenge brings you to Fortnite’s newest biome, the jungle, asking you to dance between four hot springs.

Fortnite Season 8 Reboot Van Locations & Map
Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit The 5 Highest Elevations On The Island
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