Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit The 5 Highest Elevations On The Island

"I am the Mountain!"

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Fortnite Week 6, Season 8 is here and it brings a rather unique spin on the usual ‘exploration’ style challenge.

The ‘landmarks’ in question are a little different from usual, as they’re not explicitly marked on the map. They do have a small altitude sign (like the NSEW ones from an earlier challenge), that will let you know that it’s one of the five locations. However, these signs can be quite difficult to spot from the air so you’re essentially forced to commit to climbing/landing on the peak first anyway, which means you’ll often receive credit even if you don’t find the sign.

You don’t need to visit all the locations in a single match or visit one per match like a multi-stage, but these locations are (clearly) quite high up on the map and spread apart from each other. With the X-4 Stormwing gone, the easiest way is to definitely land at each location per match, but The Baller is an effective substitute if you’re aiming to rush this challenge down in as few matches as possible.

Below is a map documenting all their locations, circled in red.

Map of the Five Highest Elevations

Some of these locations are fairly obvious, like the Frosty Mountain Fort and the Volcano, but others are less obvious such as the Supervillian Mansion which is only slightly taller than surrounding hills and mountains.

As you can see four of the five locations are congregated around the mid to southwest positions on the map, so if you do manage to get your hands on The Baller, you could potentially knock all four out in one match with little trouble. This, of course, can be risky as you’ll be riding around in a glass shell with basically no way of defending yourself other than running away.

Frosty Flights

Slightly to the east of Frosty Flights is a large mountain with a ‘beached’ submarine atop it. It’s a rather unique landmark all things considered and counts as one of the five locations. It’s B8 on the main map’s grid.

Polar Peak

Polar Peak is already quite a ways up elevation wise, but at the northern peak of Polar Peak is a watch tower that juts even further up into the sky. Standing atop this tower counts as one of the locations. Head to C7 on the main map’s grid.

Pleasant Park

This location isn’t in Pleasant Park, but you’ll find it slightly south of it, near the unnamed soccer stadium. It’s a rather steep hill with a bunch of ramps and driftboards on the top. You’ll find this hill at the intersection of C4 and C5 on the main map’s grid.

Ex-Supervillain Mansion

This is the old ‘Supervillian’ Mansion from Season 4 which is now defunct. To reach the highest point you’ll either have to take the roof exit, land up here or build up here as you’ll only receive credit on the highest bit. B4 on the main map’s grid is where you’ll receive credit.


This is the highest elevation on the island by a significant margin and the most obvious. The caldera of the volcano even has a nice viewing ‘plank’ to walk onto that looks straight down into the magma chamber of the volcano. H3 on the main map’s grid.

Once you’ve visited all five locations you’re done with this challenge. There is a fair bit of trial and error involved if you don’t want to follow the map, but that’s best solved by zipping around on The Baller rather than trying to land at each location specifically.

This week also contains two other exploration style challenges, a treasure map challenge and an old school three landmark style challenge. The rest of Week 6 is the usual process of eliminations, landing and locations and using a specific family or style of item.

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