Week 6 of Fortnite’s Season 8 has landed along with three decent challenges that are moderately involved. One of these is the treasure map challenge identical to Week 3, going so far as to use the same picture as Week 3. However, instead of requiring you to search for treasure where the magnifying glass rests, Week 6 asks you to check where the knife rests instead.
For you to do this challenge you’ll need to either find a picture of the map on the internet, which we’ll provide. Alternatively, you can unlock the loading screen picture at level 10 of the Season 8 Battle Pass tier (the paid tier), which requires very little time investment. Like Week 3 this is generally a little more straightforward compared to your typical treasure hunt challenge that were more prolific in earlier seasons. This is mainly because you don’t need to find the map or interpret any misdirection built into the map.
Below is a picture of the loading screen map you need to interpret.

The area we’re looking at is the upper right corner of the map. This is just above the desert racetrack in the Lonely Lodge forest.

Using the normal map instead of the treasure map helps to better highlight the specific location of the treasure. The treasure is just north of the desert racetrack and southwest of the now dilapidated ‘superhero’ mansion of Season 4. In between these two notable landmarks is a small hill with a bald patch near its apex, there treasure will be resting there.

Interact with the Battle Star and that’s it, challenge complete. This seems to be the way Epic has reintegrated treasure hunt style challenges, which is very fitting considering the theme of the Season (pirates and booty).
Week 6 also introduces two other interesting challenges, one which requires you to visit the five highest points on the map and another that asks you to visit a metal llama, stone pig and wooden rabbit. The remaining challenges are of a typical variety asking you to land at specific locations or secure a specific type/number of eliminations.
– Fortnite v8.30 “Borrows” The Respawning From Apex Legends With Reboot Vans
– Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit The 5 Highest Elevations On The Island
– Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit A Wooden Rabbit, A Stone Pig And A Metal Llama
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