Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit A Wooden Rabbit, A Stone Pig And A Metal Llama

For all you animal lovers.

Fortnite season 8

Fortnite Season 8, Week 6 is on the scene and with it comes a throwback challenge from earlier seasons. This is a straightforward exploration challenge that wants you to visit specific landmarks. These three landmarks are the wooden rabbit, stone pig and metal llama. These are exactly what they sound like; buildings made out of their respective material in the shape of the animal they represent.

All you have to do is get into close proximity of the landmark to receive credit. Below is a map of all their locations.


Animal Location Map

As you can see the animals tend to be grouped more on the west side of the map, so you can essentially ignore the eastern side of the map for this challenge. The metal llama is circled in red, the stone pig is circled in blue and the wooden rabbit is circled in yellow.


Metal Llama

You’ll find the metal llama on a hill to the northwest of Junk Junction. It’s perched quite a bit above Junk Junction itself, so it’s very hard to miss. It’s found in B1 on the main map’s grid.


Stone Pig

The stone pig is located directly east of Lucky Landing atop a hill as well. There is a path that leads east to an overlook, in which the pig rests slightly off of. Like the llama it’s very easy to spot from a distance and is located at G10 on the main map’s grid.


Wooden Rabbit

The wooden rabbit is directly north of Snobby Shores to the west of the ‘spooky forest’. The rabbit is also perched atop a hill and quite visible from a distance. You’ll find the rabbit at A4 on the main map’s grid.

That’s all there is to the challenge, you don’t need to visit them all in a single match or one per match like a multi-stage challenge, you just need to visit all three at some stage.

This week gives us the next part of the treasure map challenge and a brand new style of challenge that asks you to visit the five highest elevations on the island. The final four challenges are your typical eliminations/land/use item style challenges you find every week. All in all an interesting week of challenges in general.

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