Where To Watch Limmy’s Show

The Scots brogue doesn't slow down the mass appeal of this superlative sketch show.

The Limmy Show
Limmy's Show

Limmy’s Show, as the title suggests, is an experience something like a one-man band, written, directed by, and starring Brian ‘Limmy’ Limond (now better known for streaming Eurotruck Simulator). Oh, there were other people involved, but between the pared-down approach and the singularly off-beat trains of thought the show follows, it’s all too clearly the brainchild of one man. Here’s where to watch Limmy’s Show in the UK and US.


Limmy’s Show Synopsis

“She’s turned the weans against us!”

Limmy’s Show has three seasons. Through its various sketches there’s a number of recurring characters, like recovering addict Jacqueline McCafferty, ‘Adventure Call’ host Falconhoof, or childish company director Mr. Mulvaney, but the heart of the show is when it digs into some little piece of everydayness beyond the point any normal person would think about it. Where do those neon ‘open’ signs come from? What happens if you just start following someone? Who decided speed limits should say ‘twenty’s plenty’, and why are they wrong?

But this isn’t to say that Limmy’s Show dwells relentlessly in the real world. Some of its strongest parts go completely off the wall, and I’m not just talking about Dee Dee’s drug-influenced fantasies. There’s a lot of fun with greenscreens throughout, but a particular surreal highlight is the grim legacy of children’s TV show ‘Dream Scheme’, which is honestly like something out of Tarkovsky’s Stalker.


Watch Limmy’s Show In The UK

Limmy’s Show is available to stream in the UK on Amazon Prime.

You can also buy physical copies on DVD from Amazon. Limmy’s Show isn’t yet available on Blu-ray.


Watch Limmy’s Show In The US

Unfortunately, Limmy’s Show isn’t on any US-based streaming services. You can also buy physical copies on DVD from Amazon, but they are Region 2 coded, so you’ll need a region-free DVD player.

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