One of the most beloved big screen anime adaptations is a Demon Slayer (AKA Kimetsu no Yaiba) movie called Demon Slayer: Mugen Train. Its story begins with the end of Season 1, as Tanjiro goes on an adventure with his usual companions alongside Rengoku, the Flame Hashira. But where can you watch Mugen Train online for free?
The movie, though, isn’t the only Demon Slayer animation with this plot. The anime’s second season begins with an arc, also called Mugen Train. There’s a few differences between the two, starting with the release date: the movie was released in October 2020, but the anime’s second season came out later, in October 2021.
If you’re in doubt about which one to watch, check out some facts about both.
Mugen Train Anime Arc Or Mugen Train Movie?
Both the movie and the show’s arc offer great scenes on board the Infinity Train, but you might prefer one over the other.
By watching the movie, you get the full thing, non-stop, with all the plot’s essentials. It’s a good choice for those with less time.
The anime series, on the other hand, has seven episodes forming the arc. In it, there’s more content added to the movie’s original story, such as details regarding the Flame Hashira’s past.
Much like the manga and the series, the movie hit worldwide records, getting the highest amount of sales as an anime movie in the world. You might assume the series and the movie are comparable in quality.
While watching both the arc and the movie is an option, a recommended order is to watch the first episode of Season 2, then the movie, then the eighth episode (which introduces the next arc).
Watch Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Movie Online
So, where can you watch Mugen Train online, and for free to boot?
There is more than one way to watch the Demon Slayer: Mugen Train movie. It’s not hard to find the film, and you don’t need to download it, since it’s available on more than one streaming service.
Here are a few places you can watch Demon Slayer: Mugen Train online:
– Amazon
– Crunchyroll
– Funimation
While, in some cases, you might need to buy the movie separately (such as with Amazon), some services include the movie if you subscribe to them. For those, you can try to get a free trial just to watch the Mugen Train movie. Crunchyroll may be your best bet, and you can get a free trial to basically watch the movie for free, as long as you have card details.
Just remember to cancel your subscription before the trial ends, so you don’t end up paying for it. But do bear in mind that all future Demon Slayer releases will also end up on Crunchyroll, and it’s also the home of other great anime like My Hero Academia and One-Punch Man.
READ NEXT: 8 Best Demon Slayer Quotes You Need To Remember
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