The Big Con: How To Complete Mari’s Questline

Snog, Mari, Kill.

The Big Con
The Big Con

While The Big Con on the surface might be about playing as teenager Ali, doing crimes to save your mother’s video store from some dodgy loan sharks, there’s a lot more to it than that. The Big Con is, if anything, all about the friends you make along the way, and one such friend is Mari. Mari is your best friend but the two of you are in an awkward phase at the moment after Ali confessed her feelings for Mari.

If the player wants to, you can repair Ali and Mari’s relationship throughout the course of the game, but it’ll take a bit of effort to get there. Luckily, we’ve put together a little guide for you to make sure Ali and Mari get on the same page by the end of the game.

When you’re in the starting level after learning about the video store’s money troubles, you’ll have a chance to talk to Mari. She’s sat on the bench in the middle of the level. Do so, then progress through the level until you’ve been told to pickpocket people by Ted. Mari will move to the gazebo next to the bench, and when you talk to her, she’ll inform you that she’s lucky enough to have her own phone line and you should get in touch. It’s not clear if this is necessary, but you may as well talk to her here.

Once you’ve done this, you need to call her repeatedly every chance you get. You can call her three times, firstly in the mall and secondly when you reach Las Venganza. Here, there are a couple of choices when leaving messages for Mari, but the key seems to be telling the truth as far as we can tell. Basically, make sure to tell her you’re out doing crimes and skipping band camp.

The third time you call during a second visit to Las Venganza, Mari will pick up and the two will discuss Ali’s feelings for Mari. Mari will also freak out a little bit about your adventure if you tell her the truth, which might not be necessary, but that’s how we unlocked the achievement. Overall, the Mari subplot is a decent through line that showcases Ali’s more emotional side in comparison to her sassy humour and attitude, so it’s worth doing, and not just because there’s an achievement for it.

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