Groovy Ash vs Evil Dead Trailer Revealed at SDCC

Horror takes itself too seriously these days. Whether it’s the muted, lo-fi It Follows or the Christmas-ruining The Babadook, the genre hasn’t been much of a party animal lately.

Enter Bruce Campbell, a chainsaw and some dastardly deadites for the trailer for Ash vs Evil Dead, which was released at San Diego Comic-Con 2015.

Ash vs Evil Dead

The plot isn’t completely clear, but it looks like Ash might have been a bit of a silly and unleashed the evil spirits of the undead once again. We get a lot of neat little references to the original The Evil Dead and the good sign that there will be a lot of practical effects (despite what the GIF above would have you believe). Oh, and Bruce Campbell in a quite fetching girdle.

This time out, Ash is joined by two unwilling colleagues in his battle against the forces of evil. Ray Santiago’s Pablo Simon Bolivar and Dana DeLorenzo’s Kelly Maxwell tag along for the ride and look like having great chemistry with the groovy one already.

This looks like so much fun. With Sam Raimi at the helm and a whole lot of boomstick, there’s no chance this isn’t going to be the best thing on television when it hits our screens on October 31st.

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