Fortnite Winterfest 2023: How to Unlock Winterfest Bushranger For Free (UPDATED)

Winterfest Bushranger 1
Winterfest Bushranger 1

If there’s anything Fortnite fans can agree on, it’s that free skins are always a good thing. They can also probably agree that Winterfest is always a good way to end off the year, so why not combine the two and get free skins during Winterfest 2023? The tradition of doling out freebies lives on this year, and players can not only get their hands on Holiday Boxy for free, but also Winterfest Bushranger too.

To unlock Winterfest Bushranger in Fortnite for free, players just need to keep logging on during Winterfest 2023. You don’t need to play matches, just log on and claim your reward.

Each day, go to Quests > Daily Gifts and then claim the free gift until you eventually unlock Bushranger.

Fortnite Winterfest daily gifts
Fortnite Winterfest daily gifts

You have until January 2nd, 2024 to collect all of your daily gifts for Winterfest 2023.

Winterfest Bushranger is a restyle of Chapter 2: Season 1’s Bushranger, which already has a few different styles that come with the skin. However, Winterfest Bushranger is a brand new skin. Epic typically only ever release skin remixes for skins that are very popular, and considering how Bushranger is Brie Larson’s skin, maybe that isn’t a surprise.

You can watch Winterfest Bushranger in action down below.

As you might expect, once Winterfest 2023 is over (around New Year’s time), players won’t be able to get Winterfest Bushranger for free. He may be a holiday exclusive, but he may also come to the Item Shop next Winterfest.

Sadly, as you might have realised, there is no Crackshot’s Cabin in Fortnite this year, which is a pity as claiming your daily reward from his presents used to be so good at getting you in the festive spirit. Here’s hoping it can come back next year when Epic isn’t trying to handle four simultaneous launches at once.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.

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