Fortnite LEGO is a game where you do a lot each and every day to make sure you survive and thrive out in your own little world. The list of tasks to tick off just doesn’t seem to end, so sometimes you want to just curl up and sleep off a hard day’s work, or maybe you’re just looking to speed up time for something to grow or for something to be crafted.
Players can technically rest in Fortnite LEGO, but they cannot sleep. This is because players often share their worlds and it wouldn’t make sense for everyone else in your world if you were to sleep and fast forward time. This is the same reason why you cannot pause.
However, players can instead rest in a bed, which will replenish their health. To craft a bed, you will need 10x wood. Enter build mode, then place the bed where you want within your village. Interact with the bed and then claim it as your own; here’s how you can also assign beds to specific villagers to get them to join you. Once you’ve claimed the bed as your own, simply interact with it to begin resting.
Putting things together brick by brick in Fortnite LEGO? Here’s how you can create dynamite.
Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.
MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite LEGO: Can You Fast Travel?
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