Fortnite Fans Are Convinced A New Map Is Coming

It's about time.

Fortnite Dark Reflections Pack

A Loading Screen datamined from the upcoming v10.40 patch for Fortnite Season X has fans convinced that next season will bring a whole new map to the game, potentially leaving the original behind.

Courtesy of ShiinaBR, FunGamesLeaks, and MaxWinebach, the Loading Screen in questions shows the residents of Fortnite island waving goodbye to their beloved bus driver.

Fortnite New Map

This may initially seems like it doesn’t mean anything, but it’s the Week 10 Loading Screen for Fortnite Season X with each final Loading Screen of a season historically painting the way for the new season.

It’s also interesting in that these characters are some of the game’s most popular: Beach Bomber, Drift, Skull Trooper, Cuddle Team Leader, Jonesy and Ramirez are all present, possibly waving goodbye to the past of Fortnite.

It seems like this was actually hinted at very early in the season with another Loading Screen, this time from the Battle Pass.

The only thing to be wary of here is that all of the hyper-stylistic Loading Screens were commissioned by Epic to outside artists, so it may not be revealing as much as some think.

What is a bigger indicator, however, is that entirely new named locations have previously been found in the files, seemingly as fresh spins on some old classic POIs. There’s 11 of them in total, which is pretty huge.

Here they are in alphabetical order:

Beachy Bluffs
Camp Cod
Dirty Docks
Frenzy Farm
Holly Hedges
Lazy Lake
Mountain Meadows
Power Plant
Slurpy Swamp
Sunny Shores
Weeping Woods

A transition to a new map makes a whole lot of sense at this point of Fortnite’s life — it’s featured just the one map for almost two years now, and there’s really little else they can do to the current one that they haven’t already.

Season X has been a nostalgic one as it’s been reintroducing old locations with new twists thanks to Rift Zones. While it’s been neat to see old haunt returns, there’s this hard to shake feeling that the Fortnite map is now just a completely cluttered mess with far too much going on. Maybe a fresh start would be for the best.

Fortnite Time Trials
A semi-recent glimpse at the map, which is just…a lot.

There is a rather large hint to suggest that the current Fortnite island may be completely obliterated, what with The Visitor (or one of his pals, it’s hard to keep up with this game’s bonkers lore) returning to finish what they started in Season 4. A huge rocket is currently under construction at Dusty Depot, which may spell the end for the map as we know it.

Whatever the case, a new map is undoubtedly the best way forward with there being a sense of finality about what Epic have been doing over the course of Season X. What could they possibly have left to do on the OG map that they haven’t already?

Epic’s always been about sticking and tweaking what they have for Fortnite’s map, which is in contrast to PUBG, their main battle royale competitor that semi-regularly adds new maps. They’ve made good use of the relatively blank canvas they started with, but maybe it’s time to wave goodbye to it — and the bus driver — for Season 11.

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