Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Easily Find Wakestone Shards

Dragon's Dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2
GameDeveloperRelease DatePlatform(s)
Dragon's Dogma 2CapcomMarch 22nd, 2024PC, PS5, Xbox Series

Surviving and thriving in the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is about more than just the weapons you carry and the armor you were, as if you’re not carrying the proper items, curatives and other tools with you as you explore, you’re going to be in for a world of trouble. One such item you can acquire are Wakestones, which basically allow you to revive from death, consuming the Wakestone in the process.

Wakestones can be found completely whole while you’re out exploring both Vermund and Battahl, but it’s more common for you to find Wakestone Shards, which are exactly what they sound like. Once you’ve collected three Wakestone Shards in your inventory, those Shards will automatically assemble together to create a whole Wakestone, which can be used to revive yourself from death, or revive named NPCs if they’ve died fighting monsters or during a quest.

Finding those Wakestone Shards can be a little bit tricky though, but fortunately there’s an incredible item available within the game that’ll makes it so much easier to find Wakestone Shards when you’re exploring the map. That item is the Dragon’s Gaze, which is received for completing the quest “A Magisterial Amenity” for the character Waldhar. You’ll need to complete the quest “The Caged Magistrate” first, freeing Waldhar from jail so that he takes up residence in The Gracious Hand’s Vaults.

Once you’ve completed A Magisterial Amenity, Waldhar will give you the Dragon’s Gaze as a reward, which looks like a golden cage in your inventory. You can use it anytime, and when you do, any nearby Wakestone Shards will immediately be shown on your map from now on. If there are no Shards nearby, you’ll receive a message notification to say so. The radius around your character that the Dragon’s Gaze scans isn’t huge, so you’ll need to use it often throughout the rest of your journey, but if you enter a new town, dungeon, cave or other area, make sure to use the Dragon’s Gaze at least once. You can never have too many Wakestones, after all.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is available now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.

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