Just in case you’ve been living in a broadband-less void of your own making for the past year, Fortnite has somehow gone from something of a joke to the biggest game in the world. The change has been nothing short of remarkable, starting off as an overly complicated PVE game before a PVP battle royale mode was introduced hot on the heels of PUBG. Since its release, Fortnite Battle Royale just keeps growing and shows no signs of slowing down.
Fortnite owes a large part of its success (like most multiplayer games) to the streamers and YouTubers who cover it, those who devote hours upon hours (too many, some might say) to making the rest of us feel like inadequate scrubs. If you thought you were good at Fortnite, you haven’t watched some of these guys.
Some of the biggest Fortnite streamers seems to singlehandedly change the meta, bringing in new strategies that are then adopted by the masses. Likewise, if you’re not feeling too great about your Fortnite skills, you need to watch some of the game’s streamers to see what they do and where you can improve. However, not all of the creators you see below are A+ players; some of them are more entertaining to watch than they are educational and with a dynamic game like Fortnite, you’re sure to expect some laughs.
Here are our picks for the best Fortnite YouTubers and streamers.
Did we miss anyone out? Are you a small streamer of Fortnite or know someone who you think we should highlight? Let us know and provide links in the comments and we might just add them.
17. DrDisRespect
You may be wondering how the two-time could be so low down on this list. Doc only really intermittently plays Fortnite after being one of PUBG’s last bastions, but he’s made a pretty big impression already. He certainly isn’t for everyone; his personality is “prickly”, to say the least, but he knows how to compel a crowd and look good while doing so. You’re either going to love or hate DrDisRespect.
16. Nick Eh 30
Pre-“transparent” nerf, Nick Eh 30 was the undisputed king of building. His quick edits were the stuff of legend, allowing to totally bamboozle his opponents and turn them inside out. A lot of his peers have caught up to him now, but Nick’s still one of the best and is just generally a really nice guy: a rarity if you’ve been exposed to the internet for anything more than five minutes.
15. SypherPK
The Trap God of Fortnite, SypherPK is one of the most underrated pros in the game. Perhaps it’s something to do with him not running his mouth every second, but Sypher deserves a bigger audience than the one he has, though it’s still pretty sizeable. He can more than hold his own in competitions, but the real draw with Sypher is to see how much he can embarrass the final player with an Isengard tower of traps.
14. Pokimane
By her own admission, Pokimane isn’t the most advanced Fortnite player, though she is far better than the average. Primarily known for playing squads and duos, Pokimane is one of the most entertaining Fortnite content creators around because she absolutely does not take any nonsense, often going off on (intentionally?) funny rants if something annoys her. She’s also pretty tight with her community, but just make sure you don’t call her thicc.
13. Tfue
A controversial figure in the Fortnite community, Tfue’s efficiency with the Hunting Rifle is what movies are made out. People regularly like to compare Tfue to Ninja and argue over who’s best, though they haven’t faced off enough times to really make a call. So, why’s he not higher up on our our list? Well, he doesn’t really even try to entertain his audience that much and you’re also likely to find him banned on one platform or another — he likes getting into trouble.
12. dakotaz
This creator doesn’t go on facecam, but that’s because he wants to the viewer to be more immersed in what’s actually going on on-screen. If you’re familiar with his work, you’ll know that dakotaz is a mostly chill streamer who creates some classy montages for his YouTube channel, which recently surpassed one million subs. He also collaborates with loads of other streamers, so expect plenty of variety.
11. Dr. Lupo
Look at him, his name is Dr. Lupo: he knows how to snipe. The elder statesman of Fortnite with a voice like caramel being stroked by mermaid, you will typically find Lupo running around with a sniper and just generally getting up to mischief. He’s a player you do and don’t want in your time: while he’s a damn great all-rounder, you never know when an Impulse may land at your feet before you land out of the map.
10. CDNThe3rd
Here’s a guy who has a good relationship with his fans. CDNThe3rd, or Ceez, regularly gets big numbers in his streams and a chat that isn’t just a wall of emotes. His streams are never boring, either: whether he’s making weird ass noises (not literal farts) or constantly commentating on what’s going in silly ways, he’s certainly one to watch out for. Be warned, though: he’s definitely not a PG-13 Fortnite steamer.
9. Nickmercs
The console messiah, Nickmercs is different to every other Fortnite YouTuber and streamer on this list for one pretty big reason: he plays on PS4. With the aid of his Scuf controller and a thirst for blood, he’s more than capable of holding his own against PC players and has even won plenty of competitions, as well as being a world record holder. He’s also a really funny dude, especially as he doesn’t know how to tilt down his camera.
8. Cizzorz
The newest member of FaZe, Cizzorz has been at it for a long time despite being so young — his YouTube career stretches back to 2011. Even though he’s only young, Cizzorz knows all about entertaining an audience and pulls off some of the wildest plays you will see in Fortnite: the game that took him to the next level. You might have seen his video where he helps a kid win their first Fortnite match — it currently sits at 5 million views.
7. Ceeday
A Fortnite YouTuber so beloved that his community was on the verge of starting a worldwide search when he didn’t upload for a little while, Ceeday is an Xbox One player who isn’t really at the same level of everyone on this list. Instead, armed with his Raptor skin and occasionally a door, he unleashes vengeance and salvation on default skins in equal measure. Thanks to his slick editing style and not taking anything too seriously, a new Ceeday upload always feels like an event.
6. TimTheTatman
With a voice like Yogi Bear after a particularly heavy angel dust session, Tim is one of Fortnite’s most entertaining streamers. Compared to the people who he usually squads up with, he’s not a god tier player, which usually makes him the butt of jokes. He always rolls with it, though, and is actually a lot better than his friends will have you believe; he’s the victim of the cheerleader effect.
5. Muselk
One of the most consistent YouTubers out there, Muselk has been creating content for a long-time, but Fortnite has been what’s pushed him onwards and upwards. He uploads in-depth videos almost every day and barely allows a moment of silence in any of them; he’s a high-energy Fortnite player who seems to surpass a million views on almost everything he uploads within a few hours. It’s definitely the accent.
4. Myth
The man, the myth…the man called Myth. A firm favourite amongst the Fortnite community (even if he does camp Tilted a bit too much), Myth is part of the TSM clan and is arguably their brightest star. He’s certainly an affable dude, which was evidenced by his reaction to recently hitting a million followers on Twitch. His likability combined with his skill means that he’s probably just going to keep getting bigger and bigger.
3. Ninja
The guy who took Fortnite on his back and dragged it into the public consciousness when he streamed with Drake hasn’t been an overnight success story. He’s been at this for years and years, but he finally broke through in a big way by leading the pack in Fortnite — a huge portion of the playerbase owes a debt of inspiration to Ninja for his almost disgustingly inventive plays. He’s consistently breaking records — the only question is which one is next? So why isn’t he the top pick for the best Fortnite YouTubers and streamers?
2. CourageJD
Courage’s ascendancy to the top of the Fortnite ladder is remarkable: all he had to do was avoid sunlight for months at a time and he went from being a solid player to a pro who’s only on the up and up. His shoutcaster background provides him with great entertainment value to back up his sometimes incredible plays, but if you’re reading this Courage: you really need to calm down with the clickbait.
1. TSM Daequan
“Come here, boy?”
“What d’you mean?”
“Gimme them toes, boy!”
“My toes now.”
“Come on, brother!”
“This game doo-doo.”
That concludes this list.
UPDATE: we have refreshed this list to accommodate more names, drop some out, and to change the order. The original order from March:
10. Dakotaz
9. Teo
8. CDNThe3rd
7. Cizzorz
6. Dr DisRespect
5. Muselk
4. Summit1G
3. Shroud
2. Myth
1. Ninja
Need more Fortnite? We’ve got some beginner’s tips to help you out, the best places to land in Fortnite, and some tips for Fortnite on console.
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