16 TV Shows to Watch in 2016

Image Source: Empire

As 2015 slowly starts to go off, like a pack of apples left in the fridge too long, it’s time to look ahead to 2016. So much potential. Such an eclectic mix of new television. Better still, none of it has disappointed us yet.

Ordinary websites would give you five shows, or perhaps ten at a stretch, to watch out for in 2016; not Cultured Vultures. What we’re offering you is 16 new shows to keep your eye on next year, because that’s what year it is,see? If this wasn’t actually free to read imagine the extra bang for your buck you’d be getting.

Anyway, strap yourself in, read our list and we’ll reconvene in twelve months to see how everything went. Everything’s mostly in the order it’s set to air.


Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands


British TV channels have a tendency to throw big money at Sunday night family dramas, and they almost always turn out to be pants. This latest effort from ITV has some of the warning signs (overused CGI, iffy dialogue) but its epic scope hints at something more interesting. The story of Beowulf is one that could be taken in a bunch of directions. Let’s hope they find one that’s compelling.


The Shannara Chronicles

MTV must be desperate for some of that sweet, sweet Game of Thrones money, with this adaptation of the Terry Brooks fantasy novels. Set in a far future where we’re all long forgotten and magic is the order of the day, The Shannara Chronicles looks far more light hearted than anything you’d expect George R. R. Martin to write. It’s still a fantasy epic though, so keep your eyes peeled for it.


Shades of Blue


She used to have a little now she has a lot, but in 2016 Jenny from the block will be playing a corrupt cop in NBC’s Shades of Blue. If you didn’t know that was a Jennifer Lopez reference you are clearly not old enough to be important. The show also stars Ray Liotta as J-Lo’s even more corrupt boss. The trailer looks half decent, so it could be worth a look.




Remember when Twilight was still a big thing and every movie studio was greenlighting anything young adult? One such product was The Mortal Instruments, which wasn’t quite successful enough to spawn a sequel. Now it’s original book series is getting another go around with the TV show Shadowhunters.

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