WWE 2K22: How To Fix Screen Tearing On PC

WWE 2K22 Shawn Michaels
WWE 2K22 Shawn Michaels

PC isn’t quite the natural home for WWE 2K22, but it still has a dedicated following who are no doubt disappointed in just how few graphics settings there are. They will likely be even more disappointed by how much screen tearing there is in the entrances and cutscenes.

To fix the screen tearing, players must enable a setting in Nvidia Control Panel to force V-Sync. The game doesn’t have an in-game setting for V-Sync as of March 8th, but it does in its config file. However, this doesn’t seem to actually do anything.

First off, download and install Nvidia Control Panel if you haven’t yet. This is an app for Windows that lets you set specific resolutions for your monitor and a variety of other default graphics settings.

Once installed, go to 3D Settings > Manage 3D settings and then select Program Settings. Find WWE 2K22 among your programs.

Once in the program settings for WWE 2K22, scroll all the way down to Vertical sync and switch that to On to force V-Sync. Reload your game and you should notice that the screen tearing is gone.

It’s unfortunate that you can’t increase the framerate of these cutscenes and entrances beyond 30fps, but here’s hoping 2K and Visual Concepts release a patch that fixes some of the issues.

WWE 2K22 is available on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X & S, and Xbox One.

READ NEXT: WWE 2K22: How To Change Difficulty

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