What if Fallout 4 Was More Like Fallout 1?

Fallout 1
Image source: nexusmods.com

The longer that Bethesda have the Fallout license, the more fans of the older games in the series continue to get annoyed with their creative changes. There’s no denying that Fallout 4 and Fallout 1 are almost unrecognisable from each other with the latest game focusing more on action than the strategy and RPG principles that the series used to be known for.

Well, a plucky Redditor by the name of yttriumtyclief has managed to make Fallout look like the original by tweaking some .ini files and using the third-person camera to create an isometric view. Check out some of the evidence below.

isometric Fallout 4

isometric Fallout 4

isometric Fallout 4

isometric Fallout 4

isometric Fallout 4

So, how does it play? Barely. According to the man himself: “It falls apart once you try to enter combat though, or do really anything else besides walking around outside. It also won’t work indoors simply because of how 3D environments are created”.

You have to expect that once the modding community properly gets their hands on the game, we’re going to be able to enjoy all the isometric Fallout 4 that we can handle.

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