Sons of the Forest: How To Befriend The Three-Legged Woman (Virginia Puffton)

Also how to unlock the EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE achievement.

Sons Of The Forest Virginia
Sons Of The Forest Virginia

If you’ve played Sons of the Forest for any length of time, you’ve almost definitely encountered the three-legged woman with three arms who wears a white one-piece. There’s a high chance you attacked her considering everything you learned in the last game from unknown people who come up to you, but she can actually become an NPC who helps you out.

This woman is strongly believed to be Virginia Puffton, the 20-year old daughter of the missing billionaire you are sent to the island to find. You can even see her in the files that you browse through in the intro cutscene, where it’s revealed that she’s been missing for 31 weeks.

In that time, it seems Virginia has been experimented on, hence the extra arms and legs, and also the seeming inability to speak as well as increased endurance to getting hit.

Virginia should seek you out within your first day or so of landing on the island, as long as you are near warm, wooded areas. There doesn’t seem to be a set time for her approaching you, as she has come up to our shelter in both the morning and the evening. If you’re in the snowy biome, you won’t run into her. She doesn’t communicate with you immediately and will in fact run away, but this is part of the process of befriending her.

To win her over and stop spooking her, make sure you approach her slowly with no weapon equipped (press G). Keep at it and after 3-5 days of patient friendship, she should start bringing you gifts like blueberries and aloe vera. Once she brings you your first gift, she will start hanging around with you much and start sitting down in your company.

Sons of the Forest Virginia
Sons of the Forest Virginia

Then, when she is really comfortable, you should notice the option to interact with her and give her items. Press R and cycle through the options until you can plant a GPS Locator on her, which will not only show you where she is on the map, but will also unlock EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE achievement.

Sons of the Forest EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE
Sons of the Forest EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE

She can also be given a Pistol and Shotgun to be used in combat. As for how exactly Virginia fares in combat, she is fairly effective with guns but isn’t entirely accurate, but you can just take the gun off her by seemingly going in your inventory. She did get back up again after being knocked down by a big cannibal brute, so she is plenty durable.

Players can even change Virginia’s clothes and get her a dress in one of the game’s most long-winded sequences.

Sons Of The Forest Virginia Dress
Sons Of The Forest Virginia Dress

This sequence of events also involves getting the VIP Keycard where it’s confirmed that she is without a doubt in fact Virginia Puffton, the daughter of the billionaire you’ve been sent to find.

Sons of the Forest VIP Keycard
Sons of the Forest VIP Keycard

We’ve not seen any changes from Virginia after giving her this dress, though, so it’s likely just entirely cosmetic.

There were early suggestions that you could romance Virginia in Sons of the Forest, but we haven’t seen any evidence of it so far. She did bring us a fish, though, which we then went and placed on our Drying Rack. She also becomes far friendlier and starts making noises to you when she appears, and also gives you the thumbs up after she successfully attacks enemies.

Sons of the Forest is available on PC.

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