It’s tiring work to be on a mysterious island and looking for the truth, so sometimes you need somewhere to call your own in Sons of the Forest. If you’re trying to get a break from it all, you will need to build a tent shelter.
To build a tent shelter in Sons of the Forest, you will need the following items:
– 1-2x sticks
– 1x tarp
Sticks are found very commonly throughout the island, and you should be able to find some on the very beach that you spawn at or after cutting down any of the small trees nearby. As for tarp, you can find one in the containers along the beach after you first spawn.
To actually build the shelter, press I to go into your inventory, then left click the tarp. Select where you want to place the tarp to spread it out. Then, approach one of the sides and left click to use a stick to prop it up. You can then use another stick to prop the other side up if you so wish.
With your shelter now built, press E to save your game or press Z to go to sleep.
Sons of the Forest is available on PC.
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