SEGA and Ryu Ga Gotoku studio have released a new trailer for Yakuza: Like A Dragon ahead of its launch on November 10th for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. The new trailer reveals more gameplay, story and minigame footage than ever before, along with the reveal that series favourite Karaoke song Baka Mitai will be making a return, with English voice acting to boot.
Why Should I Care About Baka Mitai?
The song Baka Mitai (translated to I’ve Been A Fool) has appeared in numerous Yakuza titles, including Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Yakuza 5, and it’s been the subject of a fairly recent wave of memes, particularly with regard to the song’s chorus, as the first line starts with Dame Da Ne (“it’s no use”).
People online used the song for parody purposes since 2018, but this year, the song was subject to deepfakes of various celebrities, internet icons and movie characters singing the song, with one of the best ones being the magic mirror from Shrek.
You Said This Version Is In English?
Yes, for the first time in a long, long time, a mainline Yakuza entry will feature full English voice acting, meaning that all the Karaoke songs will be sung in English to boot. It’s going to take some getting used to, especially when we’ve been playing the game in with Japanese voice acting for years now, but it’s a nice option for those who want it. We’ll stick with the Japanese voices though, thanks.
Yakuza: Like A Dragon will launch on November 10th, and will support an upgrade path if players purchase the game on PS4 or Xbox One, meaning your next-gen version will be waiting for you once you decide to upgrade your console, unless you buy your PS5 before March anyway. You have to wait until then for the next-gen upgrade.
READ MORE: Yeah, The Rest Of The Yakuza Series Should Come To Xbox
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