New Overwatch Hero Hinted At By Blizzard?

Overwatch D-VA

It’s only been out for just over a week, but the ravenous Overwatch fanbase has been clamouring for more like the addicts they (and I) are. The game’s had its criticisms for lack of depth, yet it’s worth remembering that Blizzard will be supporting it for a long, long time, so who knows what we’ll be seeing in the future from it.

Well, according to a blog post from the wizards themselves, we could be looking at a new hero to play as before too long.

Posted on the game’s official website, the blog post explores the background surrounding Overwatch and those who helped to form it. One of the founding members, Liao, has never been mentioned in the lore before, leading many to speculate that she could be the first playable hero post-launch:

“The United Nations covertly brought a few of these unique minds together to form a small, nimble team, aimed at striking significant blows against omnic strongholds. Their names—Morrison, Reyes, Amari, Liao, Wilhelm, and Lindholm”

Some are speculating that she could be a relation to Mei, a character who nobody really knows a lot about, but it is really just speculation at this point. The first scheduled update for Overwatch comes this June and will bring about the return of ranked play – maybe we will see Liao then, too?

If you haven’t picked up Blizzard’s new, beautiful baby, read our Overwatch review to find out why you really should.

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