Memories of Green #2

Part two of Josh Blockwell’s ongoing Memories of Green series, released every Tuesday and Thursday.

Galen_Sniper171’s Blog

Date – 01/05-2089

Subject – Lost

It’s going to be tough getting used to living in this place for the next few weeks. I have no idea where anything is and I don’t know anyone here well enough to ask them. The staff at the hotel are less than helpful. Working in a place like this, I guess they don’t get paid enough to care. It took me and hour to find the train station to even get into the Inner Commercial sector. Everything looks so samey here. Just walls and walls of high rise buildings. They really have packed people in around here. I guess people are just excited to live at the centre of everything? CNN makes this place look so much cleaner and nicer. Just looks the same as everywhere else. I guess you can edit away anything these days.
After riding the train around for an hour and half I decided to go back to the hotel. The city seems cavernous, like there isn’t any way out. I got sick of looking at the same buildings. There’s only so many times you can look at the same “Be a Patriot!” billboard before you start to lose your mind.

Can see the Cypher building from my desk as I’m writing this. Its one of the tallest buildings in the city. I don’t know how I feel about this interview, I wish I had more information to go on. Being told about a “Big Development” in Washington is exciting at the least. If it was a new phone there would have been some leaks by now though, at least some mock ups floating round online. I’m thinking it’s a lot bigger than that. Either that or Cypher are really good at keeping their mouths shut. Here’s hoping the interview goes well.

I miss you, Jo.



Memories of Green #1Memories of Green #3

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