Memories of Green #1

In the first of an ongoing series, Josh Blockwell submits to us his new and exciting project. Have a read of what could be a mainstay on Cultured Vultures.

Galen_Sniper171’s Blog

Date – 29/04/2089

Subject – First day in Washington Sprawl

Hey guys, its me again. If I haven’t told anyone, I’m going to be out of town for a bit. The paper has flown me out to Washington for a story on the Shin Cypher corporation. Apparently there’s been some major development in computing that could be quite important. It’s the first I’ve heard of it. But hell, it’s a story, and its money. What with things being so tight these days, I’m not going to complain.

So how am I feeling? Firstly I miss Jo, she’s really not happy that I’m going to be away for so long. I wish I could take her with me, but the paper are only willing to pay for a single room in my hotel, and I really can’t afford an upgrade. You can definitely see that Washington’s a pretty popular place. People are so packed in here compared to San Francisco. So many stores and apartments crammed into the same buildings. I guess Washington’s the place to be right now. The pollution for the industrial sectors was pretty bad today, so I couldn’t see too much of it, but I’m sure I’ll get a chance to explore when the smog dies down.

The taxi took forever to get to my hotel. There are so many checkpoints to get through in this city, Civil Protection are really being careful around these parts. I guess it’s the capitol; they have to watch out for us. Wish they’d change their uniform though, those gasmasks don’t exactly say “I’m here to protect you”. I guess they’re out in the pollution all day though, its gotta be tough. I was surprised that the paper couldn’t get me a nicer hotel than this. Granted I’m in the Main Commerical Sector but its so cramped in here. The lights flicker, there’s a strange stain on the ceiling and a security camera in the corner, this place must get some pretty awful guests. I would have thought The Administration would have put more effort into maintaining Washington? I guess they’ve got it cosy and clean though, in their penthouses and offices at the top of the skyscrapers. I’ve only got two sockets to plug my laptop into, and going online takes years, where’s the wireless connection in this place?

I’m pretty beat thinking about it guys, traveling has totally taken it out of me. I just thought I’d update you on what’s going on before I got some sleep.

Anyway more on Washington soon. I miss you Jo, I miss you Mom, Dad.

Night Guys



Memories of Green #2


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