Kaiju Wars Special Units: Liger Panther, Guncross Wing, OGR Platform & More

Kaiju Wars
Kaiju Wars

If your basic units in Kaiju Wars don’t quite have the punch to deal with your local rampaging monster racking up collateral damage bills, then you’re definitely going to need to deploy experimental units to help you in your kaiju-busting efforts. Special units operate slightly differently than basic units and require a few more PhDs to fully grasp their strengths and weaknesses.

Before jumping into discussing the specific units, special units have a couple of major differences from major units that make their deployment not as straightforward. Firstly, you can only ever have one special unit of every type deployed in the field at any given time.

Second, before recruiting a special unit, you must first expend the relevant resource by activating the associated project card, which will remain active for the remainder of the mission. However, some missions may grant you all, some, or none of the special units in total, so be sure to check the projects tab when loading into a mission to see what special units you can expect to have in your arsenal.

Third, special units don’t require money to deploy and instead require preparation time, or in other words – a set number of turns in production before rolling out into battle. Finally, special units can only be deployed from a lab, so make sure you have at least one operational lab to prepare your experimental forces.

Here’s everything you need to know about special units in Kaiju Wars,


Kaiju Wars Special Units



The Maser is a powerful damage-dealer unit with a ground attack rating of 6, a speed of 2, and a prep time of 4. Its lack of counter damage and low speed means it’s highly reliant on effective positioning to get its powerful weapon to bear and away from the direct path of rampaging monsters.



The Maser’s cooler cousin, the Freezer is a utility special unit that relies on its ability rather than its damage. It has a ground and air attack rating of 1, no counter damage, a speed of 2, and a preparation time of 3, so it’s easier to get into the field than the Mazer.

The Freezer’s special ability to slow a kaiju down by one tile when the kaiju takes damage can be instrumental in buying your labs vital time to discover a serum and repulse the kaiju away. The slow speed and lack of counter damage means the Freezer, just like the Maser, requires foresight in its use and prefers to stay away from the direct path of a kaiju.


Super Z-2

The first true multi-role jack-of-all-trades special unit, the Super Z-2 is a hovercraft designed for flexible operations, both blocking and damage-dealing. Z-2’s stat line includes 3 ground attack, 2 air attack, a counter damage rating of 4, a speed of 3, and a preparation time of 4.

Z-2’s first form is great for charging head-on into a kaiju’s path to cause maximum damage with its impressive attack ratings, as well as its high counter damage. However, once a kaiju destroys the super Z-2, it will respawn (most units get destroyed from one hit) with -3 to its counter damage rating. It essentially switches from being an effective blocker to a mobile damage dealer once it’s been mauled by a kaiju once. It’s definitely one of the more flexible units and isn’t reliant on positioning unlike its specialist Freezer and Maser brethren, so get it when you can and fling it into battle as soon as possible.


Guncross Wing/Robot

Totally not an amalgamation of a Gundam Mobile Suit and a Macross Valkyrie mecha, the Guncross is another unique special unit with two forms: a fast-moving fighter jet and a hard-hitting robot form. The stats for the jet are a ground attack of 2, air attack and counter damage of 3, a speed of 5, and a preparation time of 5. The robot’s stats change slightly in that its ground attack goes up to 4, air attack drops to 2, and its speed goes down to 3.

Essentially, the Guncross Wing/Robot in its first form is a fast-response blocker unit that’s also great at hunting aerial kaiju. Once it gets knocked into its robot form, the Guncross doubles down on being a blocker (and a damage-dealer) in that it slows moving kaiju by one tile if they move through it. Another great flexible special unit that can tackle many different situations.


Big Boy

Returning to the specialist units, Big Boy is a suped-up version of the basic bomber with double damage stats – 4 ground attack, 2 counter damage, and a preparation time of 3, but the same speed of 3. Big Boy is as straightforward as the Maser in its damage-dealing role, though the slight counter damage makes it situationally useful at blocking kaiju. It does have enough speed to generally keep up with most kaiju and its air movement gives it great mobility, so it doesn’t have to be so position-intensive as its ground-based cousin.


Sky Carrier

The Sky Carrier is the only unit that deploys other units, as well as buff units around it. The Sky Carrier completely lacks any ground or air attack damage, except for an impressive counter rating of 5 and a decent speed of 3.

Its extremely long preparation time of 7 means you want to get the carrier early and keep it in the sky, though it can be an excellent blocker if desperate. Most importantly, the Sky Carrier acts as a mobile base that allows you to deploy air units in all tiles adjacent to it. In addition, the Sky Carrier buffs all nearby units with an extra point of damage, making it an excellent support unit to power up offensive manoeuvres.


Liger Panther

Just as Big Boy is a super-bomber, the Liger Panther is a super-tank. Its stat line is 3 ground attack, 3 counter damage, speed 3, and a prep time of 2, but it has no ability to attack air units at all.

Its exceptionally fast prep time means you can actively use it on the frontline as a blocker and keep re-deploying it with ease. Moreover, it retains the basic tank’s kaiju-movement slowing ability making it all the more an excellent first-line bulwark against the monsters.


OGR Platform

If the Liger Panther wasn’t enough of a super-tank, the OGR Platform is a veritable mobile stone wall that’ll make sure kaiju pay for every step. The OGR has an attack stat of 3 for both ground and air, a whopping 5 counter damage, but a slow speed of 2, and a moderate preparation time of 4.

The tank-like nature of OGR can’t be overstressed enough in that it slows movement of both ground and air kaiju and it also can’t be destroyed by kaiju special abilities, which can really muck up your defensive plans if not accounted for. Just like Super Z-2 and the Liger Panther, the OGR seeks to be at the front or at a key position to greet any kaiju with its steely exterior.


Food Cart

The funkiest of the special units, the food cart has no damage of any kind and is quite slow with only a speed of 2 and a relatively quick preparation time of 3. So what’s it even used for, I hear you ask? An incredibly important task – distraction, based on the food cart’s special ability.

If within 3 tiles of a kaiju, the food cart will attract the monster to attack it as if the food cart were a building – the usual target of all kaiju. This can be incredibly useful in delaying kaiju movements to buy you time to discover all the necessary breakthrough stars and win the mission.

While special units normally don’t carry the day and win you missions single-handedly, as part of a combined arms approach these units can be cornerstones of a resilient defense or lead elements in an aggressive maneuver to whittle down the kaiju’s health and force it back into its lair. Now that you know how they operate, how will you utilize your special units to bring you victory in Kaiju Wars?

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