Halo Infinite: Full List of Equipment

Best equipped.

Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite

While weapons might be one of the bigger focuses for Halo Infinite, one other aspect of a Spartan’s loadout that can’t be forgotten about is their equipment, which offers new abilities and ways to either get the drop on their opponents, find new ways to tackle the map, or just get the hell out of dodge when you’re being shot at.

Here’s everything you need to know about equipment in Halo Infinite.


How Many Pieces Of Equipment Are There In Halo Infinite?

At launch, there are seven pieces of equipment to play with in Halo Infinite. These pieces can be found scattered across the game’s 10 maps, with certain pieces given the same treatment as the power weapons. Equipment has a set amount of uses, which is varied depending on the equipment in question, and you can pick up equipment off dead bodies too.


What Equipment Is Available In Halo Infinite?

Right now, there are seven pieces of equipment available in Halo Infinite, though more will likely be added over the coming months. The equipment is as follows:

Active Camo (invisibility for a brief time, though the more you move, the more visible you are)
Drop Wall (deploys a barrier that you can shoot through, but enemies have to destroy sections to hit you)
Grappleshot (grapple hook, can be used on the map to reach new areas, on enemies to close distance and deliver a melee attack, or on weapons lying around for express delivery)
Overshield (doubles your shield output, which is perfect for close range loadout where you need to make up some distance)
Repulsor (pushes enemies in front of you away, good for clearing space when your enemy has a sword or shotgun)
Threat Sensor (reveals enemies through walls in a short area for a few second, can be planted on enemies)
Thruster (a short boost that allows you to close distance or escape around corners easier)


How Can I Practice Using Equipment?

Because equipment is a limited use item that’s procured on the map during matches, sometimes you just won’t get a chance to use certain pieces of equipment as other players are competing for them too. However, opening up the Training Mode in The Academy portion of Halo Infinite will allow you to use equipment to your heart’s content against bots, giving you at least some kind of multiplayer combat experience.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox Series X | S, and Xbox One.

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