Goku Smashes His Way Onto Super Smash Bros. with This Mod

Goku Smash Bros

It seems yet another new character has been announced to have joined the ever growing Smash roster!

Sort of.

Not content with Cloud Strife’s gravity defying barnet, industrious modders have inserted some even bigger hair into Super Smash Brothers: WiiU- none other than Goku from the Dragonball series- by using the character frame for Street Fighter’s Ryu.

While this naturally isn’t official, it does open our minds to who could be making an appearance in future games, and shows that the franchise mashing fighter is far from exhausted. Even if hardly anybody knows who Corrin is. Fire Emblem. It’s always Fire Emblem.

Personally, I would think it rather unlikely that Goku would officially join Smash – Namco Bandai have their own fighting games to sell after all, but stranger things have happened. We did get Cloud Strife, who has never graced a Nintendo console; we’ve also had appearances from Mega Man, Pac Man, Bayonetta, Sonic, Mr. Game and Watch, Solid Snake and even R.O.B., whose last release on his home console was as a plastic peripheral.

Who would you like to see in future Smash Bros? My top picks would be:

Isaac from Golden Sun: A woefully underrated JRPG on Game Boy Advance- Golden Sun was incredible, and almost totally forgotten. Isaac could have an interesting move set and final smash using the Djinn from the game. Furthermore, they could make a Golden Sun Stage, with that awesome battle music!

Banjo and Kazooie: this one should be glaringly obvious. One of the greatest N64 games has characters totally perfect for SSB. C’mon Rare, let bear and bird join the fray- we promise we’ll let that whole Nuts & Bolts business slide. Honest.

Shovel Knight: Again, this is a no brainer for me; he already has an Amiibo, his moveset is perfect, and we could even have a costume change to Black Knight and some of the Custom Knight colours available in the main game as Amiibo bonuses. Yacht Club Games are already very much in bed with Nintendo, so I would be actually more surprised if this didn’t happen. Let’s have the dance of the Troupple King for Final Smash, and the King Knight stage to play on, Griffins included. In fact, let us play as Shield Knight as well.

I don’t want much, really.

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