Gears of War 4 Release Date Announced

Gears of War 4

October 11th. That’s when we will be getting a chance to get back to the world of hulking space marines and chainsaw guns, aliens ripped and blown apart with lashings of blood. Yes, that’s right, Gears of War 4 is coming and now we know the precise release date.

Check out the box art!

Gears of War 4 box art

We haven’t seen much of the game yet beyond a brief gameplay demo last year. I’d expect it to make a significant appearance at E3 in the summer. Microsoft have been doing pretty well of late with their exclusives, and having acquired the Gears license and setting it up at a newly formed studio, Gears 4 will just be the beginning of the franchise’s rebirth.

Not much is known of the game’s story, other than you play as the son of former protagonist Marcus Fenix. From what we saw in the demo, the game looks stunning. The Gears formula was starting to drag towards the conclusion, so let’s hope this new incarnation brings more than just fancy graphics to the table.

So, don your oversized armour and grab your grenades, duck into cover, Gears of War 4 is here in October.

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