Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way since its shaky release in...
Depicting the horrors of a city that’s plagued by the most brutal...
We’re two months down in the year of 2023 and the game...
The Resident Evil games have set the standard for survival horror games...
There have been many questions regarding Grand Theft Auto 5 being playable...
In 2018, Quantic Dream released Detroit: Become Human, a choose-your-own-adventure game that...
Like A Dragon: Ishin has a bevy of different moves and abilities...
Sword Nut is an NPC in Like A Dragon: Ishin who keeps...
Prize Tickets in Like A Dragon: Ishin are used to help you...
It’s impossible to learn everything all by yourself, which is something that...
Kengoshi Schoolhouse is a location that you need to find in Like...
Like most games these days, Like A Dragon: Ishin features a deluxe...