6 Games Like Scarlet Nexus You Should Check Out

More anime RPGs than you can handle.

Scarlet Nexus

One of June’s biggest releases is Bandai Namco’s Scarlet Nexus, an anime-inspired action RPG that’s actually getting its own spin-off anime. Is it fair to call something anime-inspired if there’s actually original anime source material to pull from? Either way, Scarlet Nexus looks very pretty, with a dark narrative and futuristic setting that begs to be explored, and the combat looks pretty decent too.

That being said, there’s a couple of games out there you could play, either on the same platform or elsewhere, that can offer a similar experience to Scarlet Nexus, giving you another option to play once you’re finished with it, or an alternative to play because you’re not entirely comfortable shelling out a lot of money for a brand new console. Here’s 6 games like Scarlet Nexus that you should check out.


1. Code Vein

Code Vein
Code Vein

Developer: Bandai Namco
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform(s): PC, PS4, Xbox One

It’s always good to start with the developer’s previous work, and Code Vein shares similarities beyond being developed by Bandai Namco. Both games are RPGs which take place in a dark, oppressive world in which the player has to contend with hordes of violent demons intent on murdering everyone, and you’re accompanied by like-minded individuals who want to eradicate the monsters just as much as you do.

In Code Vein, humanity created Revenants in order to combat the horrific monsters that have emerged and began laying waste to everything and everyone in sight, but these Revenants require blood in order to stay sane. Failure to drink blood leads to them turning into a member of the Lost, and with blood at a premium in this world, there’s more Lost wandering around than ever.


2. Tales Of Vesperia: Definitive Edition

Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Vesperia

Developer: Bandai Namco
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform(s): PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

Another series from Bandai Namco, the Tales of series offers real time action RPG combat in a similar fashion to Scarlet Nexus, just maybe without the retro-future version Tokyo or the psychic powers. Alright, they don’t sound pretty similar, but like Code Vein, the Tales of series is also the work of the Scarlet Nexus team, and with a new game, Tales of Arise, on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to jump in.

If you’re looking for a specific recommendation, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is always a good shout. Following the adventures of Yuri Lowell, you assemble a ragtag group of warriors and heroes to try and save the world from a variety of threats. While the cute and colourful visuals suggest a wholesome story, there’s a lot of mature narrative beats to dig into that make Tales of Vesperia worth playing.


3. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot


Developer: Bandai Namco, CyberConnect2
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform(s): PC, PS4, Xbox One (Switch release soon)

Look, Bandai Namco knows how to make anime-inspired RPGs, the only difference here being this one is based on an actual anime. Typically, Dragon Ball games are fast paced arena brawlers that offer a glimpse into the flashy fight scenes the anime and manga have become known for, with the only exception being Dragon Ball FighterZ. Kakarot’s combat is similar to those arena brawlers, but the whole framework surrounding the gameplay makes Kakarot more interesting.

Instead of previous games offering a small, whistle-stop tour of the Dragon Ball lore, Kakarot is an enhanced deep dive into the franchise’s world, going in-depth into the world of Dragon Ball and its four biggest arcs: the Saiyan saga, the Frieza saga, the Android/Cell saga and the Majin Buu saga. Whether you’re a Dragon Ball fan or not, Kakarot is worth checking out.


4. Astral Chain

Astral Chain

Developer: PlatinumGames
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform(s): Switch

PlatinumGames are great at offering anime-inspired action games, and Astral Chain is probably the most anime game they’ve ever made. Running on the Nintendo Switch, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Astral Chain might be a diminished experience in comparison to Platinum’s more bombastic games like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (4K port, when?) and Vanquish, but Astral Chain is every bit as brilliant as Platinum’s previous work.

Playing as either the male or female twin, you’re a rookie cop in a futuristic city that’s being assaulted by hordes of cyberspace demon creatures. It’s weird, but you’ve got a tethered demon of your own called a Legion that you can use to murder everyone in the vicinity. With the Legion and character attacks controlled by both triggers, Astral Chain’s simple controls make it a perfect Switch game. It’s well worth playing.


5. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

Ni No Kuni 2
Ni No Kuni 2

Developer: Level-5
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform(s): PC, PS4 (Switch release coming soon)

Perhaps the biggest departure on this list, Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is an action-RPG that takes place in a fantasy world. You follow Evan and Roland, a pair trying to form their own kingdom and unite the world under a banner of peace. Along the way, you’ll encounter a full party of characters and uncover a plot to unleash an ancient evil. You know, the usual RPG stuff.

Revenant Kingdom’s biggest strength is the range of gameplay options available to players. For the most part, you’ll be taking on battles in third-person combat, but there’s also large scale strategic battles, and a kingdom-building management system. It’s all there, and it comes together to create a truly excellent experience.


6. Nier Replicant


Developer: ToyLogic
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform(s): PC, PS4, Xbox One

Ordinarily, I’d have thrown Platinum’s huge success Nier: Automata here and called it a day, but we now thankfully live in a world where the excellent prequel, Nier Replicant, has been updated for modern consoles with improved gameplay, visuals and expanded story content. If you’re a fan of any of the games on this list, or you’re looking to get into the world of JRPGs, Nier Replicant is a brilliant place to start.

Taking place over a thousand years into the future, humanity is trying to survive in a world where deadly plagues and rampaging monsters known as shades run amok. As a young warrior, you’re trying to find a cure for your sick sister Yonah, gathering a party of strange but loveable characters and uncovering some dark forces along the way.

Scarlet Nexus launches on June 25th, 2021 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S, and Xbox One.

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