Game of Thrones Creators to Anchor the Next Star Wars Film in 2022

When dragons meet lightsabers

Are you both a fan of dragons as well as a sci-fi enthusiast? Then this piece of news is for you. Birth.Movies.Death reports that the next Star Wars film will be from Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B Weiss. The movie is to be released in 2022, and so far, there is no news as to whether this film will be a standalone movie or part of a trilogy.

This is a mixed piece of news, given the controversial final season Game of Thrones is having, with fans questioning the narrative choices and why on earth there is a Starbucks cup in one of the scenes.

This news comes after Disney’s announcement of the release dates of three new untitled Star Wars movies. Which leads us to one very striking question: If this duo is taking on the next movie, then what does this mean for Rian Johnson’s trilogy? There is no official confirmation of Johnson being taken off the project, though there are rumours abound of his impending termination from the universe.

CinemaBlend reports that Johnson continues to defend his movie The Last Jedi against the critics of the social media world. On one hand, it shows that he is passionate about his work as well as the Star Wars universe. On the inverse, engaging with naysayers on social media can be an exhausting and non-productive endeavour.

This news, coupled with the announcement of new MCU movies up till the year 2022, certainly gives us much to look forward to. Hopefully commitment and passion will be a continued thing in both franchises, and not just a Disney cash grab.

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