Fortnite Season 8 Week 8 Challenges: Durr Burger, Jigsaws & More

The Fortnite Season 8 Week 8 challenges are finally here, and have some of the most interesting challenges in quite some time.

Fortnite Pleasant Park Bunker 2

The challenges for Week 8 of Fortnite Season 8 have dropped and they are some of the most interesting challenges we’ve seen in a good old while. It almost seems like a throwback to Season 4 and 5, just in the way that these will definitely take up a lot of your time by making you trek across the map.

Remember: completing all of this week’s challenges will grant you access to Ruin, the Discovery skin, if you have completed all of the challenges prior to Week 8. So jump on in and get grinding.


Fortnite Season 8 Week 8 Free Challenges

Fortnite season 8

Search the treasure map signpost found in Paradise Palms (Stage 1/2)
Search the X on the treasure map signpost in Paradise Palms (Stage 2/2)
You know we have your back: here’s the treasure map and spot for the Battle Star.

Use Vending Machines in different matches (3)
There are Vending Machines all over the Fortnite map; there are even two in Tilted. Most named locations have them, and don’t forget that they are now free to use.

Deal damage to opponents while using at least one balloon (100)
100 damage is a kill on an unshielded opponent, or a decent sniper shot. Not as hard as it seems.


Fortnite Season 8 Week 8 Battle Pass Challenges

Fortnite Season 8 2

Search Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces under bridges and in caves (7)
Worry not, little lamb: here are all the jigsaw pieces you need for this challenge. We’re good to you.

Dial the Durrr Burger number on the big telephone west of Fatal Fields (Stage 1/2)
Dial the Pizza Pit number on the big telephone east of The Block (Stage 2/2)
Here’s how to dial both numbers in both locations for this week’s challenge.

Eliminate opponents at Dusty Divot or Lucky Landing (7)
Explains itself, this one. Lucky Landing is typically less trafficked, there’s also a bridge near there for the jigsaw challenge.

Eliminate an opponent from at least 50m away (2)
Unless you are a pacifist, you will inevitably get the two kills needed for this through natural play, perhaps even in conjunction with your Lucky and Dusty challenge.

Fortnite Season 8 Reboot Van Locations & Map
Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit The 5 Highest Elevations On The Island
Fortnite Season 8 Guide: Visit A Wooden Rabbit, A Stone Pig And A Metal Llama

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