Fortnite Kratos Skin: Price, Release Date & What You Need To Know

Sure, why not!

God of War
God of War

Just in case you thought Fortnite couldn’t possibly cross over with any other media properties as it has already crossed over with roughly one hundred other things, how about God of War and the big grump Kratos himself?

Discovered by reputable leaker Hypex, it seems an ad has been released a little too early by PlayStation to announce Kratos’ arrival to Fortnite.

PlayStation UK also sent out the following tweet that seemed to hint that Kratos will be inbound to Fortnite in a transmission from Jonesy.

Players are also reporting seeing the ad on their Store dashboard on PS4, though he obviously cannot be claimed yet.

Kratos, who will be in his sullen, much dadlier 2018 form for Fortnite, makes some sense as a crossover skin as the theme of Season 5 of Fortnite is hunting and Kratos definitely hunted Greece off of the face of the planet in the third game, didn’t he? He also shot a deer with Atreus in the most recent game but an entire country > one pointy head lad.


Fortnite Kratos Skin Release Date

There’s currently no attached release date for Kratos in Fortnite, but it’s likely that it will arrive within the next two weeks at the latest before the next big Fortnite update.

Our best guess is that Kratos will release in Fortnite in tonight’s (December 2nd, 2020) Item Shop, just as it makes sense to ride the momentum of the launch of Season 5 and that PlayStation social media has already started teasing it.


Fortnite Kratos Skin Price

Basing the price off of other crossover skins, Kratos should set players back 1500 V-Bucks in Fortnite: Season 5 at most, though based on the mad pricing of PS5 first-party games, maybe it will be higher than the norm, just because.

There are a lot of things that make this crossover pretty fascinating.

For one, Sony have invested in Epic Games, so that may be a reason for what seems like a slightly unexpected partnership. Adding to that, Thor was in the game as a skin and important character last season and Kratos has beef with him so Season 5 may conclude with Kratos beheading Thor and then chucking his head all the way back into Chapter 1.

Unlikely, but it would be neat.

And finally, it’s going to be wild to be using a Kratos skin while playing Fortnite on Switch and Xbox, for those who have multiple platforms. Hopefully this is the start of platform mascots coming to Fortnite; Samus and Master Chief would be perfect for the game.

In other Fortnite news, The Mandalorian is now in Fortnite (told you it did a crossover or two) and you can snag his Sniper and Jetpack in the game right now. In God of War news, Ragnarok is a PS5 exclusive due out in 2021, though that seems a tad soon.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PS5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

MORE FORTNITE: How Many People Play Fortnite In 2020?

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