Fortnite: Chapter 5 – Season 1, also known as Underground, is one of the wildest launches we’ve ever seen in Fortnite, with Solid Snake, Peter Griffin, and a brand new map to look forward to. One other new addition are Match Quests, which look set to change how you grind out your Battle Pass.
In essence, Match Quests are the replacement for Daily Quests in Fortnite and will give XP once completed. Players will given three Match Quests to choose from at the start of a match of Battle Royale, with the Match Quest chosen only being available for that match. If you fail it, you can’t retry it in the next match.

Bear in mind that Match Quests are personal to each player, and you can’t share progression with your teammates. If you’re struggling to grind out XP still, players will also have Bonus Goals each day that give additional XP. You can complete three different Match Quests each day. We’d typically recommend that you go with non-elimination quests just generally to make your life a whole lot easier.
It’s a bit of a shock that Epic is doing away with Daily Quests in Fortnite, which have been around the game since almost day one. It will be interesting to see just how much they effect progression and whether they will be easier than the previous system.
Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.
MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite: Chapter 5 – Season 1: How to Mod Weapons
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