16. Left 4 Dead 2

Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Online/Local Co-op: Both
The Left 4 Dead games are horde survival at its finest, and arguably they haven’t been topped in the decade since Left 4 Dead 2. Side note: has it really been that long since L4D2? C’mon Valve, just make the third one already.
Though Left 4 Dead is also available on the Xbox One through backwards compatibility, the sequel adds plenty to an already winning formula, such as new infected and melee weapons, making it a more essential purchase.
17. Sea of Thieves
Developer: Rare
Publisher: Microsoft
Online/Local Co-op: Online
Y’arrrrrrrr, and all that. By its very definition, Sea of Thieves is a cooperative game. A pirate is nothing without a loyal crew, after all. Together with up to three friends, you can try and conquer the high seas, plunder some gold and maybe even scupper fellow pirates along the way.
Like The Division, Sea of Thieves suffered a controversial launch due to a lack of significant content, but Rare are committed to ensuring there will be more to do, and the sheer amount of updates that have been released in the two years since is proof of that.
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18. 7 Days To Die
Developer: The Fun Pimps
Publisher: Telltale Publishing
Online/Local Co-op: Online
Similar to Minecraft, if Minecraft was drained of all colour and focused entirely on zombies, 7 Days To Die is a more hardcore survival game where you have to manage things like heat, thirst and starvation, along with the pressure of building shelter so you don’t get mauled by zombies during the night. You’ll have to work together if you want to live to see the end of the week, never mind a Fortnite.
Geddit? Because Fortnite was originally a zombie survival game? I’m hilarious.
19. Human: Fall Flat
Developer: No Brakes Games
Publisher: Curve Digital
Online/Local Co-op: Both
The physics based platformer from Playground Games, Human: Fall Flat exists in the same category as Gang Beasts, known as “Games Guaranteed To Do Big Numbers On YouTube”, a fact that’s still true years later.
Whether sat on the same couch with 2 player split-screen or with up to 8 players online, along with new levels dropping for free every couple of months, there’s plenty of co-op action to sink your teeth into here. And yes, by co-op we do mean trying to actively grief your partner by throwing them off a ledge.
20. The Gears Series
Developer: The Coalition, Epic
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Online/Local Co-op: Both
The Gears series has been an Xbox stalwart since the 360, and rightly so. The third-person cover based shooting that the series is known is often considered the best across its genre, improving with every iteration.
They’re also perfect co-op games, with campaign co-op support across all six games (seven if you count the first game and its “Ultimate Edition” version”), and the brilliant Horde mode that’s been present in most games since Gears of War 2, the Gears series is great for spending time with friends.
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21. Saints Row 4
Developer: Volition
Publisher: Deep Silver
Online/Local Co-op: Online
Not every President can be as badass as the one in Saints Row 4, but sometimes you just need that little bit of extra help from a second-in-command, and I don’t just mean Keith David.
Though the regular game is still fantastic, regardless of whether or not you call in backup, there’s something to be said about teaming up with someone to use your superpowers to cause untold mischief. Or just to kick people in the dick.
22. Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Developer: Rebellion
Publisher: Rebellion
Online/Local Co-op: Online
You wouldn’t think that Nazi Zombies would have gotten as much play as they have in mainstream culture, but here we are. They’re like the third most common enemy behind “foreign terrorists” and “RPG skeletons”. Still, they’ve never been more satisfying to murder than in Zombie Army 4: Dead War.
Originally a spin-off to the Sniper Elite series, Zombie Army 4: Dead War develops the undead Third Reich murdering formula further, with upgradable weapons, characters to unlock and a host of levels to complete.
23. State of Decay 2
Developer: Undead Labs
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Online/Local Co-op: Online
Look, more zombies. We’d like to promise that’s the last you’ll see of them, but it’s not. At least this one requires a little bit more brains. Building on the original game, State of Decay 2 sees you building a settlement of survivors in an America ravaged by a zombie plague.
Though there’s plenty of depth that comes with recruiting survivors and building/maintaining facilities, you can just call in 3 other players and go for a joyride in a van.
24. Terraria
Developer: Re-Logic
Publisher: 505 Games
Online/Local Co-op: Both
Often considered the 2D Minecraft, except with a lot more ridiculousness to discover, Terraria gives you as much as you put in. If you’re willing to invest the effort to see what this game has to offer, your determination will be rewarded. It just takes a while to get there.
And yes, this game also has zombies, but at least you can have up to seven friends join your game and act as human shields.
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25. Unravel Two
Developer: Coldwood Interactive
Publisher: EA
Online/Local Co-op: Both
Now for something just that little bit more charming. Okay, a lot more charming. Yarny is just so cute. His first adventure was such a beautiful surprise that caught everyone off guard, but Unravel Two added co-op play, allowing you to share the adventure with friend or partner.
If this list has taught you anything, it’s that an experience shared is an experience doubled. That’s a saying, right?
26. Watch Dogs 2
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Online/Local Co-op: Online
One of Ubisoft’s many open world games, Watch Dogs 2 puts you in control of a skilled hacker in San Francisco, determined to take down corrupt tech companies and vapid celebrities. That’s the main purpose anyway, along with a number of co-op activities, but the world of San Fran provides ample opportunity for some shenanigans.
You’ll never have more fun than when you challenge your friend to an impromptu scissor lift destruction derby.
27. Portal 2
Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Online/Local Co-op: Both
Regarded as one of the best instances of co-op in any game, Portal 2’s co-op mode exists separately from the main game’s story mode, with you and a friend controlling two robots tasked with running a series of Aperture Science experiments.
The co-op campaign retains all the mechanics and elements from the normal game, but also demands an added level of teamwork and communication for success.
28. Streets of Rage 4
Developer: Dotemu, Lizardcube, Guardcrush
Publisher: Dotemu
Online/Local Co-op: Both
One of the best co-op genres available is the beat ’em up, and there are few better beat ’em ups out there than Streets of Rage 4. A revival of a series thought dead for 25 years, Streets of Rage 4 is not only a perfect sequel for fans of the series, but a perfect and accessible entry for players looking to enjoy a new beat ’em up. It’s challenging, but immensely satisfying, and it’s on Game Pass. Enough said.
29. Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Online/Local Co-op: Online
You thought we were done with the zombies, but no. Zombies in games are like morons on Twitter: they’re everywhere. Through every Dead Rising game after the second one, none have really been able to compete with Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.
You can play through the entire story with a co-op partner in a retelling on Dead Rising 2 starring Frank West, but the game comes into its element with the Sandbox Mode. No time limits, no objectives, just you and a friend causing carnage in Fortune City. At the very least, it’s miles better than Dead Rising 4.
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30. Strange Brigade
Developer: Rebellion
Publisher: Rebellion
Online/Local Co-op: Online
Horde co-op shooters are some of the most fun you can have with your friends when playing games, and Strange Brigade is an exemplary example of that.
There’s something thrilling about being able to hold back legions of Ancient Egyptian minions with your comrades, using powerful weapons and whatever traps you can find lying around to gain the upper hand. So long as you’ve got some friends to join you, Strange Brigade is a brilliant co-op experience.
31. Divinity: Original Sin 2
Developer: Larian Studios
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Online/Local Co-op: Both
If you, like me, struggle to properly maintain a regular D&D group, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is more than a worthwhile substitute.
A turn-based RPG that can be enjoyed by up to 4 players, Original Sin 2’s main appeal is that it emphasises player choice in how you complete your quests. With each character in the party having their own agenda and quests, games of Divinity: Original Sin 2 are never boring.
32. The Crackdown Series
Developer: Cloudgine, Sumo Digital, Certain Affinity, Ruffian Games, Realtime Worlds, Reagent Games
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
Online/Local Co-op: Online
Despite being a bit mindless and repetitive, the Crackdown series is the perfect co-op experience. Giving players a physics-dictated sandbox and all the tools they need to make it their own personal playground is an experience better shared with a friend.
It’s basically an experiment, wrapped up in the guise of a third person shooter. You could take down those pesky gangs, or you could just see if you can roundhouse kick a car your mate throws at you. Personally? I’d go for the latter, every time.
33. Resident Evil 5
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Online/Local Co-op: Both
Also known as “Chris Redfield’s Boulder Punching Extravaganza“, Resident Evil 5 is a very well designed co-op horror experience. It’s a flawed single player title, what with the friendly AI’s proclivity for dumb mistakes, but it’s a brilliant co-op title.
Though it might not live up to the heights of Resident Evil 4 (and let’s be honest, what could?), Resident Evil 5 is still an excellent adventure and a worthwhile entry into the long-running franchise. Hey, it’s better than Resident Evil 6 at least.
34. Castle Crashers: Remastered
Developer: The Behemoth
Publisher: The Behemoth
Online/Local Co-op: Both
Developers The Behemoth are known for putting together adventures that are brightly coloured and more than a little bit silly, and Castle Crashers might just be the best of the bunch.
A 4 player side scrolling scrapper with RPG elements, Castle Crashers combines fast, responsive combos with plenty of immature humour. Let’s hope you and your friends aren’t allergic to some good old fashioned poop jokes.
35. Every LEGO Game
Developer: TT Games
Publisher: TT Games
Online/Local Co-op: Local
A bit of a catch-all entry to finish things off, but one that we think is worth of mention. Every LEGO game, from Marvel to Star Wars to Indiana Jones to The LEGO Movie Game features couch co-op in some capacity.
The LEGO factor means that these games won’t exactly tax your brain in the same way as Portal 2, but they’re perfect for entertaining the tykes. That’s if you can drag them away from Fortnite anyway.
Found some of the best co-op games on Xbox One? We are blessing you with more Xbox One content below, as well as a video from our YouTube channel we’d love your eyes on:
– Best Xbox One Games For Kids (That Aren’t Fortnite)
– Best Xbox One Racing Games
– Best Xbox One Horror Games To Keep You Up At Night
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