Will We Ever See Fallout 4 Mods on the PS4?

PC and Xbox users already have the use of mod support for Fallout 4, but will we ever see it on the PS4? Fallout 4 is a fun game, no doubt about it. There’s enough to keep you occupied for days at a time but seeing others being able to make Buzz Lightyear power armour or Ikea style player houses makes you wonder whether PS4 users will ever be so lucky.

The release of mod support for PS4 was due for some time in June but thus far has failed to rear its head. Coming from Polygon ,a tweet by Peter Hines, Bethesda’s vice-president of marketing, said that: “We’re working w/ Sony on Fallout 4 Mod support for PS4. The process is still under evaluation. As soon as we learn more, we will share news.”

It is good to hear at least that they haven’t stopped working on mod support for the PS4, but the fact that it was rolled out so quickly for both PC and Xbox makes you wonder what is holding them back when it comes to the PS4? If both the Xbox One and PS4 were supposed to be ‘Next-Gen’, why is it taking so long to bring it out on Sony’s consoles?

Some have reported that: “related issues included lack of sound file support and a storage limit capped at 900 MB”, according to Polygon. Bethesda’s lack of communication could mean one of two things, either they are still working hard on the answer to the question of mod support on PS4 or they just haven’t come up with anything because the PS4 isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I sincerely hope it’s the former.

More than anything else, I just hope that they get it sorted soon. Exploring the wasteland is fun but doing it with higher quality textures, weapons, wacky armour and fan created quests would make it even better. But I know that I won’t be investigating the Commonwealth until this matter is resolved, so I might be waiting some time in this case.

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