Spider-Man PS4’s Mystery Villain Leaked Via Voice Actor


One of the PS4’s most anticipated titles, Spider-Man, has a significant amount of time at E3, showing off new gameplay footage along with a big group of villains getting together to kick the crap out of everyone’s favourite wall crawler.

At the end of the trailer, which you can see below, we see Electro, Rhino, Vulture, Mister Negative and Scorpion conquering Spider-Man, only for an off-screen character to appear and Spidey to exclaim “wait, you?!”, leaving the internet to wonder who this mystery person could be. If the word of a voice actor is to be believed, we might not have to wonder much longer.

In an interview with Call of Duty YouTuber Drift0r which took place at E3, Chris Jai Alex, who plays both Rhino and the Black Ops 4 multiplayer announcer, accidentally namedrops famous tentacled Spider-Man baddie Doctor Octopus. The original video got taken down, probably due to the leak, but the internet has done its usual work and clipped the leak anyway.

The game seems to be setting up for the formation of a new Sinister Six, so including Doc Ock in that would make sense, as in the comics, the original version of the group was formed by him. As a fun fact, in that version, the Six decide to take on Spider-Man one by one because they all want the honour of killing him, which Spidey just laughs at. Seems like they’ve learnt their lesson this time around.

Source: Eurogamer

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