Resident Evil 4 Remake: Does the Dog Die?

What da dog dying?

Resident Evil 4 Dog
Resident Evil 4 Dog

One of the absolute best features of the original Resident Evil 4 was the ability to help out a dog and for them to then come and return the favor in the El Gigante boss fight. It was one of many fun, dynamic moments in the original and luckily, the dog returns in Resident Evil 4 Remake. However, a lot of people have been worried about the dog’s fate after early footage seemed to show a dog that had bit the bullet. Well, we’ve got some good news.

No, the dog doesn’t die in Resident Evil 4 Remake. Players can first encounter the dog outside of the Village Chief’s Mansion and help it out of the bear trap, after which it will run away. Then, just like in the original game, the dog will appear in the Quarry to distract El Gigante during your boss fight. Once you’ve beaten El Gigante, the dog will then chill on the rocks around the arena, sadly too far out of reach to be petted. You can’t pet the dog at all, sadly.

So, there you go: the world isn’t entirely cruel. The dog doesn’t die in Resident Evil 4 Remake, and while we can’t be certain that nothing bad happens to him after Leon leaves him in the village, we’d like to think that he will turn up in Resident Evil 9 as Leon’s best friend. Make it happen.

As for if there are other dogs in the game, well, none of them are exactly friendly. Let’s just leave it at that.

If you need more help with Resident Evil 4, be sure to read up on how you can get your hands on the CQBR and also all the knives.

Resident Evil 4 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X & S.

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