This Real Life Top Down Shooter Takes Nostalgia to a Whole New Level

The advent of drone/quad-copter mounted cameras has enabled many things. Amazing tracking shots, a leaked video of Craig’s mom’s bush that nobody has seen, but the guys at Corridor Digital have found an even more awesome use for it: a live-action top down shooter. Now if you were born any time after 1996 and you’ve never been anywhere near Xbox Live Arcade, then be gone with you, child! But first let me explain what a top down shooter is: it’s a shooter viewed from a bird’s eye angle, allowing you to see all the enemies, obstacles and whatever else within the radius of the screen. The early GTA games came in this format.

The team have been making mind-shatteringly amazing YouTube vids for ages, including a live-action rendition of Shadow of Mordor and the rather self-explanatory Superman with a GoPro. Top Down however, might be their most ambitious project to date. Shot in a paintball park as one continuous take, complete with Metal Gear Solid homages such as cheesy character names and cheesy character dialogue. There are weapon pick-ups, hostage tactics, grenades and a level boss who does the typical mid-level tease before running off and leaving you to fend off more of his goons, the smarmy bastard. The actors even flail and pose as they speak, just like the avatars of olde. It’s a lovingly crafted, amusing piece of film-making with excellent choreography. You have to wonder though, with the versatility of drones, how long before they turn on us? Not to worry, Craig’s mom’s bush will save us.

And for an added bonus, here’s the making of:

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