PlayStation Store’s Hidden Gems Sale Thinks Destiny 2 Is A Hidden Gem

Ah yes, that plucky little indie.

Destiny 2 Forsaken Tips
Destiny 2

Just when you think you’re done with a sale on the PlayStation Store, another one comes along to demand more of your screeching bank account. There’s never really been a better time to play games because of “The Event”, so why not check out the Hidden Gems sale on the PlayStation Store?

Well, they say “hidden gems”, but I am not quite sure how the likes of Destiny 2, a game that sold millions, inspiring many imitators and even arguably the demand for live services, while at one time published by one of the biggest companies in the world, can qualify for such a moniker.

There are definitely some underrated indies with decent discounts in the line-up, though, with the likes of Guacamelee! 2, Indivisible, and Beholder 2 all being worthy of a look, among many, many others. While not brilliant by any stretch of the imagination, the PlayLink games can also be a fun distraction for an hour or two.

There’s also Garfield Kart – Furious Racing, which deserves its very own category. A few other, um, “gems”, such as Ice Age: Scrat’s Nutty Adventure and Extinction, also make the list of deals.

You can nab up to 80% off these games until the sale ends on May 20th.

So, where were you when you realised that Garfield Kart – Furious Racing is actually a thing that exists? And how many copies of it did you buy straight after?

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