It’s time to celebrate the third anniversary of Blizzard’s popular hero shooter, as the 2019 Anniversary Event for Overwatch is live now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The event brings with it a host of new skins, emotes, victory poses and sprays for the 30 character roster, which you have until June 10th to earn. Fortunately, logging in between now and June 10th will net you a Legendary Loot Box that guarantees you one of the Gold Skins.
The event also brings back the cosmetic items from previous events, like the recent Archives event, Halloween, Winter and more, along with the special “brawl” game types associated with those events. You’ll find those appearing in Arcade mode on a rotating basis. This event also brings the popular Workshop mode to consoles, which allows players to tinker with the different settings in Overwatch to create new game types, hero kits and more.
If you’re one of the few people in the world yet to try Overwatch, or you’re a veteran player looking for a way back in, there’s a free trial available from now until May 28th. If you’re a current player, that means there’ll be a bunch of noob players heading to the servers. Time to get some easy EXP.
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