Modern Warfare Developer Insists They’re Not Working On Loot Boxes

"We are definitely NOT working on any kind of supply drop or loot box system."

Modern Warfare

According to a post on Reddit from Infinity Ward’s Art Director Joel Emslie, the studio are not working on adding loot boxes to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The post sought to address what Emslie referred to as “misinformed and incorrect info being pushed about Modern Warfare”.

In the post, Emslie said: “What I can say right now is that we are definitely NOT working on any kind of supply drop or loot box system. Also, functional stuff is unlocked through GAMEPLAY.” He went on to say that Infinity Ward will be revealing more details, presumably about how Modern Warfare will be monetised post-launch, this week.

While this might truly be the case, plans are always subject to change. Black Ops 4 famously added loot boxes to the game months after the game launched, so everyone is naturally sceptical of the same fate befalling Modern Warfare, particularly because Infinity Ward haven’t revealed how they’ll keep the game monetised post-launch when there won’t be a season pass. The top comment from the user Loud_County says it best: “Please let this be true for the entire life cycle of the game.”

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is scheduled to launch on October 25th for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, with PS4 players being given timed exclusive access to the Special Ops – Survival Mode. Will you be picking the game up? Sound off in the comments below.

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