Mindhunter: Season 3 – Everything You Should Know

It seems Mindhunter isn't as big as we thought


Out of the plethora of binges available on Netflix, their original crime drama Mindhunter remains atop the most fascinating and followed shows. Two seasons of the acclaimed psychological series were out by 2019, and right after that, production came to an abrupt halt, and we’ve heard no news about what’s next since.

Years have passed of fans demanding Mindhunter: Season 3, and that still remains the case today. The showrunners did comment that they hadn’t forgotten, but that it just wasn’t time yet. Initially, that gave off the impression that we’ll be getting more sometime in the near future, but recent statements by David Fincher have seemingly confirmed that the show won’t be returning — ever.


When Is Mindhunter: Season 3 Coming Out?

Mindhunter: Season 3 unfortunately does not have a release date to look forward to. The show was never renewed after the second season ended, and many years later, that still remains the situation.

Speaking to French magazine Le Journal du Dimanche, David Fincher talked about the franchise’s future: “I’m very proud of the first two seasons. But it’s a very expensive show and, in the eyes of Netflix, we didn’t attract enough of an audience to justify such an investment”.

The show was indeed a hit, but what Fincher said insinuates the show wasn’t as big as the service hoped, and green-lighting Mindhunter: Season 3 just doesn’t appear to promise a good turnaround in revenue to consider.

That’s understandable since Mindhunter isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. It’s grim, eerie, and features a lot of grisly themes, so there is definitely truth to Fincher’s response, and ultimately, it becomes hard not to acknowledge that. The likely outcome of the whole Mindhunter: Season 3 debacle will be that we won’t be seeing it on Netflix in the near future. The next few years are totally off the table, but it’s possible if demand becomes high enough then The Behavioral Science Unit could be back by 2026, otherwise, well, we’ve always got The Blacklist and Luther.


Who Is In The Cast of Mindhunter: Season 3?

When the series was put on indefinite hold, the cast members were released from their contracts so that they could pursue other acting jobs. It would’ve been easier to tell who would return for Mindhunter: Season 3 if that didn’t happen, but for now, take everything mentioned ahead with a grain of salt.

The general plot of the series is to catch criminals, and the overarching antagonist in the series is BTK, so Sonny Valicenti should return for the third season as without him, who will the Behavioral Unit apprehend?

As for the FBI’s Behavioral Unit itself, there can be no Mindhunter: Season 3 without Jonathan Groff reprising his role as Holden Ford, Holt McCallany as Bill Tench, and Anna Torv as Dr. Wendy Carr, so the lead cast at least has higher chances of returning. Considering how much time will have passed when the third season comes out, a couple of major changes to the cast or style of the show won’t be surprising. Either way, here it’s more a question of “if” than “when”, but again, never say never.

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