Fortnitemares Patch Reveals New Fortnite Coco-Esque Skins

Fortnite Halloween Skins

To coincide with Fortnitemares, Fortnite is currently in downtime, though you better believe that hasn’t stopped people from mining all its data to find new skins way ahead of time. They’ve already done just that, revealing some very Coco-esque skins and now I am crying again after remembering that movie.

You can check them out below:

From the looks of things, these are two Day of the Dead inspired skins that have unlockable styles. They comes in two different sexes and may well be tied to different challenges to coincide with Fortnitemares.

Personally, I think they look pretty rad. I just wish they had made the wrestler skin that badass — where’s our Fortnite version of Eddie Guerrerro, damn it?

There are also plenty more skins coming up, including a zombie Jonesy, as well as new emotes including a Halloween version of the Popcorn emote.

What do you think of these cosmetics?

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