Week 4 has arrived for Fortnite Season 6. The usual rules and changes still apply, 950 V-bucks is required to access the four Battle Pass challenges. Last week, the reset time this week was pushed back an hour from usual however (1pm GMT) and it appears that this change may be permanent.
Fortnite Season 6: Week 4 Battle Pass Challenges – Free Tiers
Use a Port-a-Fort or Port-a-Fortress in 5 different matches (5 uses)
Simply use either a Port-a-Fort or Port-a-Fortress in a match to get credit. You can only receive credit once per match, so it’ll take a minimum of five matches to complete this one. There is no special trick to getting this done fast unfortunately (besides maybe 50v50 where loot spawns in greater quality and abundance), you just need to find the item and use ASAP so someone can’t loot it off your unfortunate body.
Search an Ammo Box in different named locations (7 Ammo Boxes)
This challenge isn’t as bad as it initially looks. It doesn’t require you to find seven Ammo Boxes in a single match like previous iterations of this challenge. Instead, you just simply need to find an Ammo Box in seven different named locations. This can be done over as many games as it takes. As long as you actually make use of Ammo Boxes and don’t land in the same location every match, it should complete itself relatively quickly.
Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside (5 rings)
Something of a unique and completely fresh challenge. You need to bring the doorbell of a house (situated at the front door of most houses) while an opponent is inside. There is no stipulation that this must be done over separate games, so you can complete this is one go if you’re lucky/good enough to survive that long. Additionally, it doesn’t need to be a different house, you can use the same house, as long as it’s in a different match. Just remember, there needs to be an opponent inside the house for it to count.
Fortnite Season 6: Week 4 Battle Pass Challenges – Battle Pass Tiers
Multi-Stage: Land at Greasy Grove (5 stages)
Epic is keeping up the tradition of having weekly multi-stage challenges. This week you’re asked to land at specific locations after exiting the Battle Bus. The locations are as follows; Greasy Grove > Wailing Woods > Dusty Divot > Pleasant Park > Paradise Palms. The usual rules with multi-stage challenges apply (complete a stage, then the game to receive the next stage).
Dance on top of a Clock Tower (1 time)
Rather self-explanatory. The only clock tower in the game is ‘Big Ben’ in Tilted Towers on the southwestern corner. Just land up here one game, hit your dance emote and voila. You’ll generally have company trying to complete this one.
Get a score of 3 or more at different Shooting Galleries (5 galleries)
This is Week 4’s closest challenge to a scavenger or treasure hunt challenge. Scattered throughout the map are shooting galleries with targets in them. You need to shoot three targets in a single gallery and visit five different galleries to finish the challenge. If you’re looking for the location of these galleries, we have you covered.
Eliminate an opponent near any of the Corrupted Areas (3 eliminations)
Your typical weekly kill challenge. This time, you’re asked to eliminate three opponents in close vicinity to the Corrupted Areas. This should be a cinch, people land here frequently for the easy chests and Shadow Stones. On top of that, the floating island attracts a large amount of people into the area as well.
– Fortnite Season 6 Guide: Complete Timed Trials Walkthrough & Trials Locations
– Fortnite’s OG Music Returns In Season 6 (In The Battle Pass)
– 10 Fortnite PS4 & Xbox One Tips To Close The Gap On PC
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